Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

She was dressed like a lady-in-waiting. Fashionable, but nothing like what a princess would wear. Who is she? How did she come to be in the castle? How is it that she is awake while all the others are alseep? Is she the princess after all? Even though no princess I have ever met would even think about wearing anything similar to what she was currently wearing.

I didn't know what to say to her. The girl's eyes kept darting back between my face and the window. What was she looking at?

"Why are you here?" The girl suddenly stood up and walked to the window, her voice cold as ice. Where did that sweet girl go? And when did this girl come? I sat there, stunded, just staring at her. She turned her head and glared at me over her shoulder. "Who. Are. You?!" She snapped, her eyes narrowed dangerously. I slowly got up from my chair. My gut was telling me that this wasn't going to end well.

"Get out."

"Excuse me?" I asked, not sure I heard right.

"Get out. You never told me your name or why you're here! Now get out and leave the castle!" She yelled. She rushed at me, pushing me out the door. I dragged my feet on the floor, tryinf to stop her. She was surprisingly strong for a girl! She kept glancing fearfully over her shoulder and out the window. What was going on? I thought.

When I was preopicied with my thoughts, she managed to push me out the door and lock it. I banged my fist against the door. Questions bombarded me. The most frequent one was, 'Who is she?' and 'Why is she awake?"

I sat down on the floor infront of the door with my back to it. I wasn't going to go anywhere until she gave me some answers! Also, Blizzard was still with her.


I woke up a little before sunrise. I blinked and looked around ay my surroundings, uncertian of where I was until I remembered what happened the previous day. I groaned as I stood up. My muscles were sore from fighting the vines yesterday, searching the castle, and from sleeping in a strange postion. My stomach growled in hunger. I ignored it. Once I got my answers, I'll find some food- if thre was any that wasn't moldy or stale.

I had been pounding on her door for at least five minutes when it was yanked open. The girl looked surprised then angery. "Why are you still here?" She demanded.

"I want answers," I ordered, crossing my arms across my chest.

"Why should I tell you anything?" She put her hands on her hips, scowl on her face. We stared into each others eyes, not wanting to give in to the other.

I espically didn't want to lose to a girl!

She growled as she pushed her way past me and down the winding stairs. "Where do you think you're going?" I demanded, running after her.

"Anywhere away from you!" She yelled back over her shoulder. Why was she so stubborn?!  Girls back home wouldn't have dared to use such a tone with me! Either way, I was going to get what I want! I followed her down the rest of the stairs and into a hall.

"Why are you following me? Don't you have a damisle in detress to save or something?" She asked crossly. I blinked rapidly, unsure of how to answer her. Why wasn't she acting like any other princess?

"Aren't you a damsel in destress?" I asked. She stopped and turned to me.

"Yes, I am a damsel. Am I in destress? Yes, now that you're here. Why can't you leave me alone? Maybe I like being here...alone!" She snapped, turning back around and continued to where ever she was going. She muttered something under her breath.


"My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you." She said louder, not turning around.

"What?" I stopped, confused. She stopped as well. "Are you stupid or something? Don't answer that. I said-"

"I heard what you said," I cut her off. Why was this girl such a pain? "I didn't understand what you said." She rolled her eyes. "John 15:12." She said, tossing me a book that somehow appeared in her hands. I caught it easily. I turned it over soI could look at the cover. It was a bilble. I have never met a religious princess, for they don't have a religion of their own. They usually believed in what their husbands believed. And this girl was clearly not married and believed in the Bible. I looked up from it to see that she was gone. I glanced down at the book in my hands. I flipped through the pages on instinct. She had several pages marked with peices of ribbon and had underlined some passages gently. I stopped and read one of them.

All night long on my bed

I looked for the one my heart loves;

I looked for him but did not find him.

Gently closing the book, my head was a buzz. I walked around the castle, not really thinking about where I was going. I ended up in the library. I made my way through the sea of shelves, hoping to find a book that could answer some of my questions running in circles in my head.

She was standing besides a shelf, holding a book some-what close to her face, completly engrossed in it. Her fingers brushed the page gently. The rising sun hit her perfectly, making her even more beautiful than before. Her blonde hair turned a shimmering golden color, her simple clothes turned elegant, and I knew that her blue eyes would have been sparkling and brighter than the sky if she looked up.

I took a step closer to her and her eyes shot up and met mine. There was a small smile on her lips. Our eyes stayed conected until she gasped and fell. I ran to her, catchinn ahold ofher just before he could hit the floor. Her eyes were closed and she appeared to be sleeping soundly. "Miss? Starlet? Are you alright?" I asked her, shaking her slightly. Nothing happened, her eyes stayed closed. I gently carried her to a window seat and down in it, still holding her in my arms. I tried waking her, but nothing worked. Was this girl under the curse more than I thought? Was this the reason why she pushed me out of her room before she could collapse? I couldn't answer any of these questions. Only the beaustiful girl that seemed to give off her own sunlight before me could. And who knew when she would wake up next? If she ever woke up.

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