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"So, just let me do the talking, okay?" Tony began, sitting just behind Steve as he piloted the jet towards their meeting in Geneva. "I've done this bureaucratic crap a million times, so I know how to play."

"Fine by me, just work in my point of view here and there, if it's not too hard to remember."

"Oh, I think I've got it," Tony scoffed, "goes something like, 'screw the Accords and you asshats that wrote them', right?"

"Nutshell version, yeah," Steve smiled while still looking ahead.  "I hope this doesn't take more than a day.  You know how nervous I get being apart from (Y/N) when she's this close to being due."

"Hey, I'm with ya.  I know that T'Challa tried to set a later date, but he's getting a lot of push back and not much for understanding.  I think we're just lucky to have gotten the time we have."

"I feel like we owe him more than we can repay," Steve agreed.  "He really has no reason to be doing any of this, and how he helped (Y/N)-"

"Captain Rogers," FRIDAY interrupted, "Mr. Wilson insists that you return to the compound immediately."

"Why?  What's going on?"

"I'm told that the arrival of your children is underway, but that you have time to make a safe return.  As (Y/N) said, 'tell him not to Steve this into a panic situation'."

"Oh my god, she just used your name as a verb," Tony chuckled quietly.  "I love that kid." 

"We're over water," Steve mumbled, racing through his mind before turning the chair around to face his teammate, "I can't just get dropped off.  We can turn around, but we'll miss the meeting and who knows if T'Challa can reschedule?"  Steve knew that if he had to make the choice, nothing was going to keep him from going back home to you, but he still had to consider options that would secure the team's future.  He still felt the responsibility to make things right again.

"Turn the damn jet around, Steve.  There shouldn't be any other thoughts in your head right now other than getting home to see my grandchildren being born.  I'll deal with the rest."


Scott and Sam were still running around the compound like they had just been set on fire, frantically gathering your things to take to the hospital, losing car keys, and bumping into each other repeatedly as they passed in the hallways for each task.  In the meantime, Vision was sitting next to you as you rested on one of the living room couches, doing his best to keep you comfortable once your contractions began.

"Wanda really is more skilled at this, I do apologize."

"You're doing great, Viz, thanks.  I actually feel pretty calm, all things considered."

"I lack the human element of emotions to the extent that she does, so it's understandable that she would be more of a soothing presence to you."  He sat on a chair next to your head with his hand resting gently on it, sending a flow of energy through you that helped to alleviate the pain as each wave hit. They weren't so bad now, in the beginning, but if he could maintain you at this level the entire time, you weren't about to let him leave any time soon.

"Okay, Steve's on his way back, FRIDAY said they've turned around," Sam bounced into the room with a wide grin.  "Now, let's get you to the hospital so he can meet you there, okay?"

"Yep, sounds like a plan," you agreed, accepting Vision's hand to help you rise to your feet.  "Oh, wait," you paused, sucking in a harsh breath as a shock of pain stopped you, "oh...that came out of nowhere..." you held your breath and teetered, making Vision sit you back down quickly.

I Thought You Were Different: Part 2Where stories live. Discover now