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You are sent to the Dark Forest after you are killed. Provide a flashback why you went to the Dark Forest.....

Redclaw's POV

I walked through the everlasting darkness of the Dark Forest. I had been wander aimlessly for what seemed like moons. I found a flat rock and sat on it, sighing about what I did to deserve to come to this horrible place.


I was on the dawn patrol with Riverleap, Grassypaw, and Falconpaw. Riverleap just made some joke about a mouse with no tail. As we were laughing, I remembered my mother, Sandypelt. We were walking past her favorite resting place. She would always bring me there when I was a kit. I sighed sadly, remembering how she was taken from me by greencough. My apprentice, Falconpaw, noticed something was wrong. "Redclaw, you seem troubled. What's wrong?", he asked. I remained silent, hoping that he would understand that I didn't want to talk about it, but he kept pushing the matter. "Redclaw, why won't you speak?"

I could feel my patience slipping away with every word he spoke, until I snapped. In an instant, my claws were out, and I slashed his throat. I must've hit a major artery, because blood wouldn't stop pouring from the wound. Riverleap and Grassypaw stood, gaping in shock as I began to yell at him.

"YOU MEDDLING KIT! WHY CAN'T YOU KEEP YOUR MUZZLE OUT OF OTHERS' BUSINESS!?". As I was yelling, the light was draining from his amber eyes. His breathing was ragged, and becoming fainter with each breath. I didn't notice that he was dying until it was too late.

"Falconpaw! Oh no! I didn't mean to!", I yowled, hoping he would forgive me. Using his last breathe, he uttered something that would haunt me, even after death.


His eyes glazed over, and his chest moved no more. I looked at my claws. Red, with my now-dead apprentice's blood. I looked at Riverleap and Grassypaw's eyes. All I could see was fear.

"G-guys, I-I..."

Riverleap pounced on me, telling Grassypaw to get help. Her claws grazed my flank. I yowled and tried to slash at her, but she was to fast. We fought for several minutes, until she hooked my legs out from under me. Before for I could comprehend, I felt her slash my throat. My blood soaked my rusty-red fur. I found it harder to breathe with each breathe, and I felt tired. I took one last glance at Riverleap, before darkness consumed me forever.

Flashback end

I sighed again, and closed my eyes for a restless sleep.

"Falconpaw, I'm sorry"

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