ummm i was tagged?

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i was tagged by TrashCanOfGoodies  to say 20 facts bout myself and tag 20 other people
1. I am not very interesting
2. I love to draw
3. I love animation
4. I plan on being an animator
5. I have created many different stories that have not yet been released to the public
6. I have 3 headphones for some reason
7. I have finished 1 sketchbook and I am working on my 2nd
8. I play the trumpet
9. I steal memes for a living
10. I watch many different cartoons and television shows
12. You didn't realize I skipped number eleven
13. You went and checked if I did skip 11 but you didn't even realize I spelled eleven wrong
14. You went back to check if I spelled eleven wrong. But I didn't
15. Facts 10-14 were useless
16. I have a tumblr
17. I play video games
18. I love to read fiction
19. FontCest_Trash is the one who dragged me into this from the start
20. I hate brocholi

TrashCanOfGoodies are you happy?

Um I don't know many people
I'll just tag a few peeps

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