Chapter 1

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SoEun's POV

My name is Min SoEun, 18 years old I'm from Seoul and I'm in a relationship with Kim Taehyung, yes Kim Taehyung from BTS.. And I also have a twin brother who is Min Yoongi from BTS also, but nobody knows it..

" Yah SoEun! Let's go or we'll be late!!" My Best Friend Lee Hyeri or Hyeri called me

Okay Hyeri and I were best friends since kindergarten.. It's a miracle that we have twin brothers who's also close together.. Her twin brother is Jung Hoseok from BTS also.. Coincidence right?!

" Coming !" I ran downstairs since we both live in the same place, our parents both let us stay together..

* At School *

I was walking down the halls with Hyeri when suddenly girls started screaming and started running where we at..

" Omo!! BTS oppas!!" A girl screamed making other girls scream names like Park Jimin oppa notice me or Yoongi oppa I love you..

I looked at Hyeri to see her frowning

" What's with you?" I asked her

" Jin is smiling at other girls.. His smile is different when he's with me..." Hyeri said then pouted.. Forgot to tell you that Hyeri and Jin are couples too..

" Agioo!! Someone's jealous " I smirked at her..

" Easy for you to say.. Look at Taehyung giving his rectangular smile to other girls.."
Hyeri said making me look at Taehyung..

Well it doesn't bug me because I know Taehyung isn't the kind of guy who cheats on me, he's just making his fans happy..

" He's s just making his fans happy.." I said making Hyeri glare at me and I smiled at her..

" We should go now" Hyeri said making me nod

* Time Skip*

It's now recess our favorite time XD

" Where should we sit?" I asked Hyeri

" Let's sit over there!" She pointed at a table near the window

We sat at the table and started eating, but someone sat beside our table.. We looked at them and we were shocked to see BTS..

" Eum.. Why are you guys sitting here??" Hyeri asked angrily to Jin ..

" Aww is my Jagi jealous??" Jin smirked at Hyeri and Hyeri just glared at him..

" Jagiyaaaaa~!!" Someone said and back hugged me, I already know who is it.. Kim Taehyung..

" Yah Taehyung! You're too close to my twin! You'll give her your alien germs!" Yoongi said making Taehyung pout..

" Hyung why are you mean to me??" Taehyung pouted making Yoongi chuckled

" Just protecting my twin you see?" Yoongi smiled making Taehyung pout more..

I laughed and stood up

" I'll just go get some water " I said making them nod

" I'll go with you SoEun"  Yoongi said then stood up also , we looked at them to see their faces with an :O reaction

" What??" Me and Yoongi said in unison

" Did you guys planned on your clothes to look the same???" Jimin said shocked

I looked at Yoongi and we looked at each other from top to bottom

" This is super weird.." I said

" Super weird.. Did you copy me or something?!" Yoongi said

" Nope! How on earth didn't we noticed it?!"
I asked..

Okay if you're wondering why we are asking stuffs is because, me and Yoongi are wearing the same clothes but the opposite..

I'm wearing black shorts , white shirt with Black jacket and black converse high

Yoongi on the other hand is wearing black pants , White shirt with black jakect and black converse.. Same as mine

" It's a twin thing " Suga said and I nodded

" It always happens when we were kids" I said making the others chuckle..

" Let's Go SoEun" Yoongi said then start walking away and I followed..

* Time Skip *

It's now dismissal and the boys are going back to their dorm, Jin and Hyeri went out on a date and Taehyung and I are walking around the park..

" SoEun.. Can I ask a question?" Taehyung said making me look at him

" Of course you can Tae" I said then smiled..

" I know I'm overthinking but.. Do... Do you think we'll still be together in the future? You know if we'll ever have a family on our own and be married.. I know we're still young but it bugs me if we'll still be together in the future.." Taehyung said then sighed, I went to him and hugged him tightly

" We'll be together forever Tae.. We'll fight together so stop thinking negative Tae Tae~" I said and he gave me his rectangular smile ..

I love this Alien so much

A/N: First Chapter Done! Sorry for any typo or wrong grammars , sorry if it's sort of boring XD it'll get better ~ Hope you guys enjoyed it!!


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