59: Calm River (+ tag shite)

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;v; this was supposed to be a happy pic but nope my mind made Neon look bored af... either that or xe is just deep in thought .-.


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This is based off of a little area I made on a skyblock me and my friend started [which reminds me: would any of you be interested in watching that if I recorded?]

This is based off of a little area I made on a skyblock me and my friend started [which reminds me: would any of you be interested in watching that if I recorded?]

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Okii cya doods later

also yea I was tagged to do 20 facts about myself so here is some pretty useless info about me: 

[tagged by the fabulous Cookies_love_TnT]

1) I hate being called female, if you know I don't like it and you call me one I will literally punch you c:

2) I may seem quite social but in fact I don't have many people I talk to/like to talk to

3) I am 15 years old (close to 16)

4) Tyler is in fact not my real name, Lake is my real name but I swear if you call me that I will murder you

5) I am actually 5'5.5" (or around 166 cm.) tall ;v;

6) I've been doing digital art for around 4 years, and drawing in general since I was 3 (so ~12 years)

7) My favorite genre of music is rock (as if that wasn't obvious already)

8) My favorite color is grey (or if you don't believe neutrals are colors then neon green)

9) I am a sophomore in high school ;v; 

10) I come from Irish origin which is why one of my nicknames is 'Irish potato'

11) I love potatoes xD (I'm not joking I do)

12) Although I often say I'm gay, I'm pansexual (I don't care who I like)

13) I can play the piano and the drums but I can't play other instruments (like I've tried, I can't)

14) Just like my persona, Neon, my left eye is actually slightly worse than my right eye.

15) Also just like Neon, my eyes are grey (kinda, they are pale teal but you can't tell xD)

16) I can't animate xD I don't have the patience to

17) I am a complete science nerd, like I love anything to do with science

18) Uhh... I'm currently taking classes to become a 3D animator for video games/movies (along with engineering courses ;v;)

19) tbh I hate most sweet foods (PLZ DUN KILL ME)


~bonus~ 21) I can speak a couple words from different languages (such as Spanish, Latin, Japanese, French, and German [in order of how much I know to how little I know])

uhhhh fook I dunno who to tag... do this if ya want and tag me as the one who told ya xD I would love to get to know you all better

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