Chase looked into Austin eye. V v beautiful green-brown-idfk color eye. Chase kiss Austin lips and they tasted like potato salad and chase hate potato salads but chase doesn't hate austin which is nice. Austin already has the wedding planned in his head but he was nervous abt his parents who pushed his big ass out of their vaginas
"cHase!!!22!1112! i cNt dO thIs pLS my paRnEnts!!!" Said Austin
"Itz oky bby you hve me" said chase
The two boi made out furiously and Austin decided 'hey, chase got a nice a$$' so suddenly Austin hand on chase ass and chase like the booty tickles. They pulled out their pee pee sticks and austins was as small as my will to live after posting this chases was also v small but coda had a gigantic one so it's finee. After 5 hours of tongue fites coda texted the boi
CODA AKA THE EXTREME-O MEME-O: cHaustins rEAL i have proff
Austin n chase didnt want coda to know (but he already did cos hes coda) so austin was all like "nOOOOOooooOOooooOOOOooooooOOOooooooOOo" And chase was all like "nah" but you cant fool coda hes smart and hes only been tangled in a slingkey 3 times this month b proud
thIS iS mY friST fANfic nO hAtE!!!122211!!!!!1!2!!!1!1
- coda extreme-o meme-o