How To:

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Eyes: To me, eyes are maybe the MOST important part, minus the lips ;). Eyes can show a lot! From love to danger to complete lust. Does the kisser love the kissee? Is the kisser only in it for the pleasure? Make sure to mention what the character see in the others eyes and what theirs are doing as well. Is the character looking back fearfully? Lovely? are their eyes roaming over the others face, body, etc.?

Ex: He came closer to me, his silver blue eyes sinking into mine with what seemed to me was love, but also held desire as his arms moved around my waist. I trailed my view over his features, taking in every last detail as the the hunger in his gaze grew. Etc, etc.

Lips:  Lips are the next most important part, they're what make a kiss a kiss. Lips can be dry and rough, wet and smooth. You always have to mention how the character feels as the lips collide. Are they slammed roughly? Pecked? Kissed gently? If they are making out they also have to come up for breath at one point* never forget that lol. Also, does the character kiss back lovingly? Hungrily? Do they even kiss back? And as awkward as it sounds, what do they taste like? (Maybe only incorporate it if they are wearing flavored lip balm or gloss, etc.) Lips to lips are usual; a peck to the nose, cheek, forehead is cute; lips to jawline, neck, ear are sexy.

Ex: He pressed his lips to mine as I wrapped my fingers in his hair, pulling him closer as his mouth entangled mine. Our lips were still wet from the pool as water ran from my hair into my face and only added to the feeling of the kiss. 

Teeth: Teeth can mean awkwardness or sexiness usually. They can clack together in the event of an awkward first kiss or the trouble of braces, or the can bite the other's lip in a sexy way, or trail love bites down their neck.

Ex: He bit my lip gently, causing me to gasp slightly in surprise as he used the moment to deepen the kiss. 

Or awkward/cute: My braces clacked slightly on his teeth as he smirked under the kiss and laughed lightly, causing me to blush from embarrassment.

Hands: Hands can prop a person up, trail through another's hair, or another's body. Although it isn't super important, always be sure to incorporate what the character is doing with their hands as well as maybe what the other is doing as well.

Ex: I ran my fingers through his golden hair as he grasped my waist tighter, my shirt ridding up gently as his thumb grazed my skin, sending shivers through my spine.

Smell: Usually not important unless it pertains to wear they are or maybe the story. For example, if you want to incorporate how her perfume smells or how the other may reek of cigarets or alcohol.

Ex: (This is going to be more of a taken advantage of) His breath reeked of whiskey as he pinned me to the wall, forcing me to gag as he looked over me hungrily and I screamed for help.

Or: Her perfume flooded my nose with the familiar scent of cherries. etc, etc.

Sound: Last but not least, sound. Sound can depict something sexy like moans or etc, or they can create something cute like embarrassed whimpers or giggles.

Ex: (Sexy version) He bit my lip gently, causing me to moan quietly as he smirked and pulled me tighter, deepening the kiss hungrily. (not very good probably lol)

Cute: He wrapped his hand around my neck, sending shivers through my spine as I whimpered in surprise. He chuckled lightly, smirking into the kiss as he pulled me tighter anyway.

So there yall have it! The basics of kissing! Now onto examples and templates!

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