Solengelo oneshot #1

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I woke up next to a legitimate sleeping angel. Nico's face was gentler and softer when he slept, and often I loved to stare at him for a bit before I woke up.

"Morning Neeks," I murmured.

He mumbled something incoherent and I kissed his cheek as I wrapped my arms around him. He opened one eye and then closed it, and shifted closer to me. I smiled and buried my face in the crook of his neck.

"Time?" He asked sleepily. I glanced over his shoulder at my watch.

"Eight am."

He groaned and stuffed his head in my chest. "It's not even morning!"

I laughed and craned my neck to kiss him on the cheek again. "You still gonna sleep?" I asked. He shifted and propped his elbow up on the pillow.

"I wish. But I'm already awake, so there's no point in trying to, thank you very much." I grinned.

"So what do you wanna do?" I asked.

"Sleep," he grumbled. I chuckled.

"Then sleep. I'm staying up." I told him.

He huffed. "Waking up before noon." He sat up "It's not even human."

"I know," I crawled out of bed and told him, "I'll be right back." I went into the bathroom to brush my teeth.

"Can we at least get coffee?" He hollered down the hall.

"I'll make you some." I promised as I walked out of the bathroom and found a t-shirt in the drawer.

"And pancakes?" He asked, smiling. I kissed his forehead gently.

"And pancakes." I promised. He sat up straighter and clapped his hands.


"I'm the best, aren't I?" I teased.

"Second best." He smirked. I pouted teasingly.

"Tied for first?" He asked, taking my hand in his. I grinned.

"Good enough." I replied with a shrug. "I'm gonna go make breakfast now." I turned and walked out to the kitchen. Nico followed a minute later, his feet padding along the floor almost silently.

I started making the coffee while Nico tried to reach the pancake mix. "Will," he groaned, "Why do you have to put everything on the top shelf?"

I smiled. Because it's adorable watching you try to reach it. "Because I want to." I replied, reaching up for the mix and then handing him a bowl.

He scowled at me. "I could've reached the bowl." He reached for the other ingredients and I stuck my tongue out.

"Too bad." He turned and stood on his tiptoes to kiss my nose. I smiled and pecked his lips in return. He smiled and blushed a little. I patted his head.

"You're still so cute," I said.

He frowned. "I am not cute." He crossed his arms.

"Yes, you are. You're like a little kitten." I replied. He blushed.

"I am the ghost king, son of Hades. I am no kitten."

"Whatever you say," I replied with a shrug. He huffed and I smiled. "Now make the pancakes." I said, pointing to the bowl. He grabbed the chocolate chips.

"Yay! Chocolate chips!" I cried, clapping my hands together. He laughed.

"You look like a seal." He told me.

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