F I R S T : Draft

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First: Draft
I'm still a newbie, and I can't quite put a title there ._ .

So hey! Welcome, this is my first draft and first ever chapter in my first ever book!

And I'll be a slow updater, I have school but I'll try my best to come up with things and stories to publish ^^ I have so much to write, trust me, I'll just end up rambling.

Anyways, here I'll post updates on my life if you are ever interested.

"I may be quiet but I'm not afraid to speak up."

And don't hesitate to question me, just don't go against me and all that Hoshitzu °^°

Also I MIGHT post a "25 Facts About Myself" thingy so you guys can get to know the adorable author, charr~

huehuehue bye now, see you later Periwinkles <3

Last updated: August 29, 2016

August ✧update bookTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon