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I was lying down with my eye closed but i couldn't feel what I was lying on. I didn't feel like i'm floating nor falling. I opened my eyes but it was all black. I put my hand in front of my face. Even with the darkness surround me, I could still see my hand. "What the...?" I thought as my mind try to make sense of the situation. I got up but it felt strange, I didn't feel anything from my hand as I used it to push myself up. My feet didn't anything feel anything stable but i could stand just fine. I looked around but it was all black. It looked like a black empty void. I was wearing a black sweater with short. I stood there wondering where I was and how I got here.

Suddenly, a white door appeared before my eyes. I began to walk toward it. As I walked I try to find my footing around this void and somehow i didn't fall. I reached the door. I put my hand on the door nob and turned. To my surprise, it opened.

I walked in and another void welcomed me but this time the void was white. I stepped in and found my footing. I walked in normally unlike before. I heard a slam behind me. I quickly turned around but the door was now gone. I stared into the emptiness of this void as I tried to make sense of what just happened.

"Uh excuse me. Can I help you?" A male voice came from behind me. I turned around to face a white figure with a light gray aura. It seemed to be male.

"Are you okay?" He asked me with a worrying voice.

"Yes, I'm okay I just space out for a bit." I snapped back to consciousness and replied.

"That's good to hear. I'm sorry but who are you?" That question quickly flooded in my head. "Who am I, who am I, who am I..." It was all I could think of. I tried my hardest but I couldn't recall anything. "Why don't I remember anything, why, why, why..." I stood there in silence I didn't know anything about...myself. The white figure walked toward me. In just a few moment, he stood before me. I was still standing there, paralyzed. I stood for only a little while but it felt like several life times. He put his hand on my shoulder. I jumped and looked at him with a depressed face.

"I'm sorry." My eyes widen as he said it softly.

"I didn't know it is a difficult question for you. You don't have to answer that if you want. It's okay, don't worry."

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN!?" I screamed in rage at him. I stepped forward closing our distance.

"YOU THINK THAT IT'S OKAY THAT I DON'T KNOW WHO I AM! IS THAT WHAT YOU MEAN?!" I yelled at his face but he was staying calm.

"TELL ME!!!" I yelled once again.

"Do anyone truly understand themselves?" I stepped back as he said that.

"I didn't mean that you don't know who you are is an okay thing. What I meant was not knowing who you truly are is normal and you need time to actually know. Eventually you'll know." The moment he finished I fell to my knees and tears started flowing uncontrollably and I had no idea why. He kneeled down to my level but he didn't tell to stop crying, he doesn't do anything. He was just there to let me cry my heart out and didn't leave me on my own. After I've cried my heart out, I stood up and the white figure stood up as well.

"Are you feeling better now."

"Yeah, thank you." I replied with a smile.

"That's good to hear."

"I'm sor-"

"No, you don't need to apologize. It was my fault not yours." He raised his hand and interrupted me mid-sentence.

"Thank you." I replied with a gentle smile.

"I know you have many questions. Let sit down and talk about it." He sat down and I followed.

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