Chemistry Class

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Now I don't really know how it happened or how it works yet so bare with me. I remember sitting in Chemistry class and then the principal announced over the PA system, I swear you could've heard it in the depths of the ocean floor.

"Good Day Students!!! This is your principal speaking, can Roman Du-Gui report to my office immediately".

Oh, in case you hadn't came to the conclusion yourself yet, I am Roman Du-Gui. As I got out of my seat and walked towards the door, I could hear my fellow students whispering, wondering what I had done. This continued as I walked down the hollow halls of the school, students were looking through the windows on the doors as I walked past, I could hear the teachers yelling "Get back in your seats!" or "Mind your own business!", I even heard one teacher yell out "Stop licking the window Ted!!".

I was now only ten little steps away from the principals office, I was now afraid, afraid of what was to come.

It's not like I had done anything bad, unless you count emptying out the schools pool, boarding up all the entrances, creating a quite well concealed hole in the side of the building and charging students to ten dollars each to come in and skate as bad. Then yeah I did something wrong. Although I did end up earning about four or five hundred dollars throughout the day, except my mum made me give all the money to the school as 'damage fees', unfair, right?

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