Italy X Germany / Romano X Spain

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[So yeah, just another story, though this is based off a News story I just saw, so yep, also FYI, I will refer to North Italy, as 'Italy' and I will refer to South Italy as 'Romano' so yeh, now that that's over, TO THE REAL STORY]

- North Italy -

Italy was with Germany and Japan when 'It' happened, what happened didn't seem serious, especially when it was put into perspective with the events of 9/11, the 7/7 bombings or Chernobyl, but seeing at Italy rarely experienced any tragic incidents (apart from Pompeii of course) it meant that only small disasters would take a huge impact on the country itself.

Italy suddenly collapsed onto the ground as a pain shot through his legs, he whimpered slightly as he felt cuts being almost sliced into his legs, as if a sort of invisible knife was dragging along the Italians skin. Germany was a little shocked, though he didn't show it as he boldly moved over to Italy as he then knelt beside him.

"Are you alright?" Germany asked in his thick accent, though he did show some concern in his voice.

Japan's eyes widened as he sat down next to Italy's legs to find any damage.

"I think something has happened in Itarys country, we shourd check if anything is happening" Japan calmly said, trying to relax the whole situation, though that proved to be a problem as Italy's whimpers turned into tears.

"Germany, Japan, it hurts, my legs, I can't move them" Italy cried, as he then slowly sat up then hugged Germany, burying his head into the crook of the German's neck.
Germany awkwardly wrapped his arms around Italy, still quite unfamiliar with any 'friendly contact'.
Japan swiftly went over to the computer to check on the News, he bit his lip as he read over an article which was most likely why Italy was in so much pain.

"It's an earthquake" Japan sighed "There has at reast been 250 deaths, and they are stirr searching for bodies" Kiku added, shaking his head, he then paused, the silence almost echoing of the walls of the room.

"There's nothing we can rearry do" He finally said after a moment of silence.

Germany nodded in reply, before looking down sadly at the crying Italy who clung onto his shirt, as if his life depended on it.
"Vwe'll just have to vwait" Germany stated in his somewhat deep voice.

Italy by now had stopped crying, though it was still obvious that he had been crying from the tear stains on his cheeks and his slightly bloodshot, crimson eyes. The sight of Italy like this made Germany's heart ache, though he didn't know why.

"It'll be alright" Germany said, attempting to comfort Italy, though his words weren't exactly projected in a 'soothing' tone.

Though the fact that Germany attempted to show some concern for someone made Italy giggle a bit, and it made Japan smile slightly.

But only slightly.

Because he was Japan.

Germany's face flushed a light pink colour as he heard the other countries' reaction, though he was a tiny bit happy, seeing as he did manage to cheer up Italy for a short while.

---- Time skip brought to you by the many tears spilt over HetaOni ----

It took a couple of hours until most of the pain had vanished, as if it had just magically turned into nothing. There was the occasional sting, but that was certain to happen seeing as many people were still dying in central Italy because of the amount of houses which collapsed on people and families.

Though Italy wasn't bothered by the pain, he was bothered by the fact his people were dying and he could do nothing but visit the new headstones and to offer his farewells. Though the thought that the people would be in peace now, slightly relaxed his tense body.

Germany was still beside the Italian, they were holding hands, which somehow made the situation a lot calmer, Italy sighed then rested his head on Germany's shoulder as he then closed his eyes.

"Are you okay?" Germany asked, a little concerned for the Italian who sat beside him.

Italy shook his head "People, my people, they are dying, and I can't do anything about it, I'm useless" Italy sadly said, before he hugged Germany again.

"You're not useless" Germany said "It's not your fault" He added.

Italy sniffed, then nodded "Though I still feel so helpless" Italy said, biting his lip to try and prevent any tears to fall.

Germany shushed him, as he stroked the Italians hair "It'll all be okay" He nodded, kissing the top of Italy's head as he held the near to tears Italian to his chest.


- South Italy / Romano -

Romano was sitting on the couch with Spain on another seat because him being Romano, he decided to stretch his legs so there was no room for Spain to sit on the sofa. Though Spain didn't mind, he was used to it, and he almost found it 'cute', but of course he would never actually say that out loud, mainly because it would put Romano in a worse mood then he was everyday.

Romano then felt some sort of pain shoot through his head, like some sort of infinite bullet, repetitively piercing through his skin.

"Ah, don't just sit there you tomato bastard!" The angry Italian shouted

Spain rushed over to Romano and put a hand on his forehead "I think somethings going on in your country" Spain frowned

"Then stop it!" Romano shouted, though this time his voice cracked as he tried to hold back tears.

"I can't" Spain said, there wasn't anything he could really do, apart from comforting Romano, so that what he did, he hugged Romano, ignoring the cursing and resistance he gave.

Finally Romano had stopped cursing, though he was now crying into Spain's shoulder, gripping onto the back of his shirt.

Spain hushed him, rubbing Romanos back to try and stop him from crying, though it didn't work.

Taking a deep breath, Spain finally found the strength to lift up Romanos chin, which was slightly damp from the tears, and he kissed Romanos lips.

Romano was almost in shock for a few seconds before he slowly kissed back, he had stopped crying now, so Spain pulled back and smiled.

"Are you okay now?" Spain asked him.

Romano nodded, his cheeks now covered with a light pink dust "but don't tell anyone I was crying" Romano replied in his usual tsundere tone.

Spain chuckled, but then nodded, as he then quickly kissed Romanos forehead before lying on the sofa next to Romano and hugging him again.

[So yup, it was basically an earthquake in the centre of Italy (which is why I put that it was Italy's legs were affected and Romanos head) and it was on the news recently, so I decided to write it, sorry if it's bad >•< but yep, I hoped you enjoy it! And requests are open]

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