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Chapter One.

Destiny's POV.

I stood on top the cliff, looking down to the valley. The valley was sprinkled in trees and flowers. It was such a beautiful sight. My white dress flowing in the wind, and my brown hair danced around my face inthe breeze. My brown eyes looked up to the sky, the beautiful purple, pink and red blazed across the sky, I looked to the mountains in the distants, the sun was lazy falling behind the mountains. I then sat on the bench under the big williow tree, Looking to the fading light, when he came.

"Good Evening, love." He smiles, sitting down beside me.

"Hello." I smile to the man I love

His piercing green eyes looked into my dull brown ones.

"You're so beautiful..." He whispers

"I could say the same to you.." I tease, causing him to chuckle

"I am far from beautiful, Angel." He smiles, wrapping an arm around me

"Don't lie to me." I say, scrunching my eyebrows, pretending to be mad

"What? I'm not lying." He says seriously

"You are probably the most beautiful thing I've seen in my life..." I whisper, looking into his eyes

"And you are the most beautiful thing I've ever seen." He smiles widely

I looked into his eyes, searching for a hint of lies...I found none. Just pure truth.

"I love you, so much." I whisper

"And I love you." He smiles, grabbing my chin, he leans in his, soft, pink, plump lips meeting mine, our lips moved in sync. After a our small makeout session, the sun was behind the mountains now.

"Fancy a walk?" He asks, grabbing my hand and kissing it

Blushing, I look down.

"Yeah, that sounds nice." I smile

We walked hand in hand through the woodland path we walked for about 20 minutes when we came to an opening with the river, I knew this place, we've been here before, this was the slowest river here.

"Shall we go swimming?" I asked, giggling.

"Yes, Yes we shall." He chuckles

I turned around, sliding off my short sleeves. it fell and pooled around my ankles, I only had my bra and panties on. I looked back, his eyes were as wide as golfballs, I blushed, shielding my body from his eyes. He walked up to me

"You're as beautiful as the moon." He whispered into my ear, making me blush more

His arms wrapped around my bare stomach and we slowly rocked side to side, swaying to music that wasn't there

"Come on, lets swim!" I laugh, taking off, running and jumping into the river

"Coming love!" He laughed, he had taken off his shirt and pants, leaving him in his boxers

As I came up, I looked around, the clear water making it easy to spot him underwater, he swam up, taking in a deep breath and swimming over to me.

"Come here," He says, grabbing my waist and pulling me, "give me a kiss..." He whispered, being me, I wasn't one to pass up a chance to give those beautiful lips a kiss

My lips met with his, it was like fireworks, butterflies and sparks mixed together when I kissed him. My lips moved in sync with his, it was perfect. Hundreds of fireflies flying around us so it wasn't completely dark, the stars shining down on us, the moon giving us the perfect amount of lighting. After we pulled away, I looked into his sparkling green eyes, they seem so filled with love, not lust, just pure, perfect love.

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