Trick Or Treat

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It was Halloween and a little boy just came home with a bag full of candy. He ran to the living room and dumped the whole bag on the floor. "Mom! I'm home! Can I eat some candy?" He shouted from across the room.
"You know we have to check it first sweetie! Go to bed and I'll check it. Tomorrow you may eat as much as you like."

The little boy was eager to eat some candy and decided that just one wouldn't hurt. He carefully looked through the big pile and picked a little candy that looked the most delicious. Since he couldn't read he judged the sweets by their covers. This one had a yummy looking strawberry stuck on a tinfoil wrapper. He said goodnight and ran up to his bedroom.

He unwrapped it and hid the wrapper under his pillow. He swallowed the white powder thinking that the candy must have been crushed under the weight of all the other sweets on top. It didn't really taste particularly good. It tasted bad, actually. He sighed disappointed and went to sleep.

In the morning his mother came in the room and saw the wrapper sticking out from beneath his pillow. She examined it carefully and saw some powder left over. Heroine.

The boy's funeral was held the following week.

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