Form & Rules

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Well, if you need a cover or banner for your story and you can't think of ideas by yourself, then you are absolutely right here 😋

All you need to do is fill this out, comment it or send me a DM and I'll do it for you ;D 

Title of the story:

Your Username:

What is the story about?

Your ideas/suggestions:

Password: you will find it somewhere in this chapter, I just want to make sure that you really go through it

The same works for the banners... :)


- follow me
- give credits (mention me  in the description or elsewhere in your book)

  So nothing special I guess🙈  


So I've already done some covers for you and realised some things...

Some of you didn't follow me, others didn't even use my cover...whatever the reason may be.

It takes me a lot of time to work on the covers, and I really put all of my heart in it. I can understand that some of you don't like the covers I made, I am just a beginner and nobody is perfect, am I right? So if you don't like the covers, just tell me and I will try it again. I really want to make you happy and give you what you want, and I can take criticism,  believe me. I rather hear that I didn't do well than being told lies. That's just not fair in my opinion.

 And also, don't be unpolite please, it's something I can't stand at's not that hard to say "Hi", "Please" and "Thank You", is it?

So my rules here are:

- follow me

- tell me if you don't like the cover

- use the cover for at least two weeks

- give credits, I don't care where in the book, but it would be really nice...

- give me one week time, and if I need more days (due school or whatever) please try to understand it. I am just a human and I do also have other obligations than being on my laptop all day. Besides, the little word you need to fill in the form is the color of your banner (I will check it)

- and if you are not nice to me, I won't have fun making your cover so it might not get as good as you want it...just saying.

So, just please follow the rules, they aren't that hard to follow, are they?

Thanks for going through this :)

Let's get started!

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