Chapter One

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That guy on the side is Damien ^^

Chapter One

Damien's point of view.

I stare at the bold black heading "Local teen by speeding car." I reread the words over and over in my head. It was never shocking to see something along the lines of death in the newspaper but what got me was the name.

Sam had just been transferred from my school. I wasn't friends with the shy boy however I'd wanted to be. He's probably the only person in the world that made me nervous. I'm not sure what was different about him than any other teenager at my school. I just couldn't bring myself to talk to him no matter how hard I tried just the thought of him made my stomach knot.

Sam left just two weeks after Colby had transferred. The two were quite similar however I could talk to Colby with ease. We became instant friends. Colby opened up to me, told me how his family was murdered, how he was sent to live a woman and her son. As we became closer he gave me more of the story. He told me that he was gay. Colby was nervous while telling me this. I assured him that it was perfectly fine and that I was most likely gay too. Ive never had a girlfriend but the thought of being with anyone but Sam wasn't appealing at all.After our confession we were closer than ever, it's almost like he's my brother.

I scan over the article again. I bet by now I have the whole thing memorized. It read,

July 17th,

Two teens, Sam (age 15) and Noah (age 16), from a local orphanage had snuck out during the night. They walked only a few blocks away to the nearby park. Noah, Sam's best friend, admits it was all his idea. The two stayed until dawn however when returning home Sam wasn't paying attention and was hit by Jonathan Miller who was driving down Pear Street. It was later found that he was slightly drunk at the time. Sam died at the scene of the the accident. Jonathan will go to court next week.

Beside the article it shows pictures of Sam and Noah. It was a recent picture of Sam, I could tell because he looked much healthier than he did when he attended my school. His blonde hair was cut right above his eyes. Now the picture was in black and white but there's no way anyone could forget his his shimmering, hopeful, big, brown eyes. At least I couldn't. His face unlike other boys his age was still baby like.

Next to him was another guy, Noah I guess. He looks my age. I couldn't exactly make out what color his hair was but I could tell it was dark, dark brown maybe? Anyway it slightly covered his eyes. He wasn't as young looking as Sam but he still had that boyish look. All together I thought he was pretty attractive, but nothing compared to Sam.

A single knock at the door makes me jump and drop the paper. I fold the page into a tiny square and slide it into my pocket then I quickly stand up and make my way to the door.

"Hey Colby." I great the shorter boy with a sliver of a smile.

I didn't have to see him to know who it was. Colby always knocks once.

"I saw a creeper on the way here. I'm glad I'm with you now." Ever since his family was killed he was suspicious of everyone. He pulls me to my porch.

Usually I'd come over to his, well his grandmother's, house. Only once in a while he'd come and get me earlier. Luckily we don't live too far apart.

"Don't worry big brother Damien will protect you." I put my hands on my hips mimicking a superhero.

Rolling his eyes he playfully pushes me. To give him the satisfaction of thinking he actually hurt me and that he was getting stronger I wince and rub the spot where he had hit it. He smiles proudly and starts heading towards his house.

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