the kiss

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The person that kissed me was...(pick who)

Adam: What the hell?!?

Brody: Wwoowe what?!?

Wyatt: AWE.....HELL NAH!!!

Alec: Well you are someone nice but.....(pick something)

I have a boyfriend

I'm not into you

We can be friends

Jered: Eeeekkkk.....(pick something)

Kiss him back

Slap him

Kick him in the nuts and run

Cry on his shoulder and tell him how much you love him

I walked away after that little session to come back from getting my car keys to see him making out with another girl. ....(pick the girl)

Stepinie - Adam

Mykayla- Brody

Kylee- Wyatt

Melissa- Alec

Olivia- Jered

It broke my heart. Why her? Out of everyone he picked _____________. (<~ her name)
I was so sad that I took out a blade from my purse and slid it across my arm to drain the pain. He noticed and took it from me. "What the hell ___________!!!"
             Your girl name
Sorry that this story was extremely short but I Gtg I'm working in the morning and it's 12:06!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2016 ⏰

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