Chapter 1

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Anita's POV :

I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock. No school today. Thank goodness! But I still have nothing to do since I finished my homeworks yesterday. I got up of bed and went to my bathroom. I did my morning routine , brushed my hair (doctors always mention how lucky i am to still have my hair even tho i have cancer) and decided I'll stay in my pajamas. My parents are at work and I have no siblings. What to do? I thought to myself and went downstairs to the living room since I didn't feel like eating right now. I turned on the TV and sat on the couch for a good 5 minutes surfing through the channels. Nothing interesting. I got up and made my way to the window. That's what I do whenever I'm bored and surprisingly I always find something interesting behind that big blank window. I saw a big truck. I guess someone new is moving next door. Just then I heard the doorbell ring. I groaned slightly and went to open it. "Hey" In front of me stood a hot boy taller than me with dirty blonde hair, gorgeous brown eyes and full pink lips. "Hi" I replied almost breathlessly "I'm your new neighbour justin" now I get it! I was wondering where I saw him before. He's justin bieber always all over the news. For a second I forgot he was my idol and that he's standing in front of me , his hand out for me to shake. "I know. I'm a a belieber. I'm Anita" I shook his hand and let him in. "Well that's a pretty name for a beautiful like you" he winked at me and sat on the couch I just smiled like a fool and blushed "I'll get something to drink" I went to the kitchen and found a note on the fridge It read 'New neighbours are invited for dinner tonight. Try and make some spaghetti since I wouldn't be back at 5 I have to work late. If I wasn't back just stay with them and be nice! -mom' Gee thanks mom you love me to death I can tell from the way you speak to me. I wish I had the guts to say that in her face. I wouldn't be late a minute. I threw the note in the trash and poured two glasses of orange juice for me and justin, then grabbed a plate of cookies (who doesn't love them?). I got back to the living room and sat next to justin then handed him a glass of juice. "Thanks" he smiled. Gosh how I melt. After a while justin spoke again "do you mind palying 20 questions?" "No. You first?" I said casually Funny how he earned my trust easily. Also I never, ever and I mean NEVER let anyone besides my parents see me in my pajamas but with him i was so comfortable. "Favorite colour?" "Yellow. Favorite candy?" "Sour patch kids. Favorite flower?" "Tulip. Do you have a phobia?" "Yes I'm claustrophobic. Biggest fear?" "Loosing the people I love." And so we continued and they were definitely more than 20 questions. "I should now get going" justin stood up "Oh. Um but you're coming for dinner right?" I stood up too "Yes. Your mom invited me in the morning" "Great. I'll be doing dinner just so that you know" I giggled "And I'm sure it'll be the best dinner I'll ever have" he winked at me one more time before heading to the door. I heard it shut a couple seconds later so I dropped my body on the couch and realized a relief sigh. I looked at my phone to check the clock '3:02 pm' wow now we spent a lot of time together. Oh well I hope it wouldn't be the last time.


Hey guys! This is allaboutbieber here! I'm so excited for this story and I hope you liked this chapter that I wrote. Please vote and comment!

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