Fight it out

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"You're nothing more than a weak man in a metal suit." Steve Rogers bit out viciously. His blue eyes scanned the billionaire stood in front of him.

Tony had to admit that it had stung but he wasn't about to show that to this idiot wrapped in a skin tight version of the American flag. He braced himself and continued on.

"Let's take this outside and see who is the weak one after all." He growled, taking a large step towards the muscled super soldier. He tried to ignore the fact his brain was telling him that Steve Rogers was a trained soldier with advanced abilities.

"Get in the suit, Stark." The blond snarled back.

"With pleasure." He marched out the lab in the direction of the suit. He was going to show this patronizing, goodie two shoes exactly where he belonged. He may be a Captain but he had no right to talk down to Iron Man.

"This is not going to be good." Natasha sighed to Bruce as they watched their two teammates storm out.

Less than 10 minutes later, the red boots of his suit landed on the deck. It was practically deserted. It only took him a few seconds to spot Steve standing near the other side with his shield strapped to his back. The all-American boy turned upon hearing the thrusters.

"Maybe this'll teach you that you're no better than the rest of us." Tony hollered over the wind as he ran toward the other man. He held out his iron fist, prepared to strike Steve in the stomach but the super soldier reacted quickly; pulling his shield out in front of him.

The fist hit it, softening the blow. It protected him so much that Steve only had to step back to accommodate for the force. Cap returned the aggression by swinging his shield until it hit the side of Tony's helmet. The serum made Steve strong, this much was clear, Tony reflected as the force threw him off balance making him stumble to the left.

The genius caught a sight of the smirk that decorated Steve's face and it re-ignited years of hate towards his father's object of constant praise. He aimed a blaster at the hero's head and fired. The shield was once again there to protect it's user. Stark gritted his teeth and determination settled deep into his bones. He was known for getting his way.

As Steve was swinging out a leg to try and trip Tony, the older man swung out and hit the shield out of the blond's grasp. In the time it took for Steve to retrieve it from the deck, Tony had landed some solid punches to his stomach and chest. He beat the man until that goddamnned shield was lifted again. Victory was within his grasp.

The soldier defended himself again and knocked the playboy off his footing. The suit landed with an almighty crash. Steve began to move but Iron Man grabbed his ankle and tugged the man onto the floor with force. There was an uncomfortable cracking sound as he went down, the speed he'd been pulled back had generated significant force.

Captain America spun and smashed the shield down and the sound of metal fracturing echoed throughout the suit. Tony was impressed with the guy's brute strength although it was all due to the serum.

"Sir, the suit is beginning to suffer damages." JARVIS spoke calmly into his master's ear.

Steve about to bring the shield, his only weapon, down onto Tony again when the iron hand sprang out and caught the edge. Immediately, he took off. Thrusters blasting up to send the heavy metal suit into the air. He maintained a steady grip but so did Steve.

The higher they got, the more the super soldier struggled to hold on. Panic began to weaken the look of determination on his face. His features began to wither in and his brow furrowed.

A wave of guilt smacked into Tony harder than any blow he'd been dealt over the last 10 minutes. He began to quickly descend back toward the deck when Steve's grip faltered and he fell. Steve descended the whole distance to the deck without his shield to protect him. A fall less than half the distance would undoubtedly kill a normal human.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2016 ⏰

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