When you meet the other slashers/their opinions on you

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Freddy: Freddy had taken you to meet the other killers. Once the two of you arrived he kept you far away from a man in a hockey mask. You quickly learned that the hockey masked man was named Jason.

You also learned that your dad and Jason hated each other, so you stayed near Freddy. Though you did stay near Michael Myers for a vast majority of the evening. He still kept a watchful eye on his own kid as well.

Jason: Jason made sure you stayed far away from a burned man in a fedora. You learned his name was Freddy Krueger, he hurt kids in their sleep! You grew to be nervous around Freddy but Jason made sure Freddy stayed away from you.

When Jason and Freddy started having fights you stayed near Hannibal. Hannibal then read the story of Romeo and Juliet to you. You didn't understand a lot of it but you enjoyed listening to Hannibal.

Michael: Michael was surprised to hear the other killers had kids as well. He thought it would be good for you to meet the other kids so you could have someone to play with. Plus he could find a babysitter for when he went out to kill on Halloween.

Soon enough Freddy and Jason started fighting so Michael had to watch you as well as Freddy's kid. Though you liked listening to Ghostface. Which Michael wasn't crazy about so he kept you in his sight at all times.

Leatherface: Thomas wanted you to have friends so he took you to meet the other killers and their kids. You wanted to stay near your dad but he encouraged you to play with some of the other kids. You crawled up to Jack and quickly befriended him which Thomas was happy about.

You even managed to befriend Jack's kid so you played with Jack's kid until it was time for you to leave. Jack offered to babysit for Thomas sometime if needed.

Hannibal: You listened to Hannibal tell the story of Romeo and Juliet. Once the story was over you went to Norman and quickly befriended him. (Sorry that was short)

Norman: You were shy like Norman was so you stayed near him. Though you did become friends with Hannibal's kid so the two of you played while Norman watched the two of you. Just to make sure you didn't get into trouble.

Jack: You were interested in Thomas so as soon as your dad said it was okay you crawled over to Thomas. The two of you spent hours playing together while Thomas' kid played with Jack. Then Jack let Thomas' kid go and play with you. When it was time to go Thomas offered to babysit for Jack if he ever needed a babysitter.

Ghostface: You spent the whole time watching scary movies with your dad and Michael's kid. Ghostface was excited that another kid wanted to watch scary movies with the two of you. So the three of you watched The Blair Witch Project. Even though it did scare you a lot, your dad was there to protect you.

Freddy's scenario

Michael enjoyed your company as you weren't annoying to him like Freddy was

Jason's scenario

Hannibal enjoyed your company greatly. Plus he could teach you to appreciate classic stories such as Shakespeare's works

Michael's scenario

Ghostface LOVED having you around. He even let you watch Halloween so you watched each scene with Michael with great interest

Leatherface's scenario

Jack found it funny how out of everyone, you went up to him. Even though he tried to kill his own flesh and blood, Danny, he doubted that he could bring himself to hurt you

Hannibal's scenario

Norman enjoyed talking to you. The two of you got along pretty well as you were a bit timid but being around Hannibal and Norman helped with that

Norman's scenario

Hannibal found it interesting how you wanted to hear his story. He wasn't complaining but he had often been called 'uptight' but still you wanted to be around him

Jack's scenario

Thomas LOVED having you around. He was shy but you approached him and tried to play with him. At first he was confused as to why you wanted to play with him but he shrugged it off and enjoyed your company.

Ghostface's scenario

Ghostface is your dad. Of course he loved having his little killer around

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2016 ⏰

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