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this is a list of any hotlines anyone may need. i know my stories can be quite triggering and i want anyone who is a member of the LGBTQA+ community that who you are is the best person you can be.

i know that's not easy accepting who you are especially when you are still in the closet or just coming out, but you are you and that is all the matters. however long you take to fully accept yourself is completely okay.

if anyone is using slurs against your gender or orientation or anything at all, never listen to them. you are perfect and amazing and you absolutely slay at everything you do.

those bullies are wrong on so many levels.

no matter what people in real life or the voices in your head tell you, you are perfect. whoever you love or whether you want children/sex or whatever gender you truly are, i love you. i love you for you because the person you truly are is the best version of yourself. and no one can take that from you.

i know you're probably scared. i understand why. many people do not understand differences or how people can be unique. or many just don't want to understand. but making you feel terrified to be yourself whether it's being a part of the LGBTQA+ community or whatever race or ethnicity you are or whatever religion you believe in is not okay. people who do that to you are disgusting. they are not worth your time or energy or even your thoughts. they are miniscule. never let them make you feel inferior.

you are precious and it breaks my heart to know how many people in the world are so terrified of being themselves and showing their love for someone because they feel that they will die if they do.

i love you. you're more important than you think.

Befrienders Worldwide

Child Abuse Hotline - Support & Information: 800-792-5200
Crisis Help Line – For Any Kind of Crisis: 800-233-4357
Domestic & Teen Dating Violence (English & Spanish): 800-992-2600
Parental Stress Hotline – Help for Parents: 800-632-8188
Runaway Hotline (All Calls are Confidential): 800-231-6946
Sexual Assault Hotline (24/7, English & Spanish): 800-223-5001
Suicide & Depression Hotline – Covenant House: 800-999-9999
National Child Abuse Hotline: 800-422-4453
National Domestic Violence Hotline: 800-799-SAFE
National Domestic Violence Hotline (TDD): 800-787-3224
National Youth Crisis Hotline: 800-448-4663

The Samaritans: 0845 790 9090
Child line: 0800 1111
National AIDS helpline: 0800 567 123
Women's Aid National Domestic Violence Helpline: 0345 023 468
Sexual Abuse Centre: 0117 935 1707
Counselling (Youth) – Maidenhead: 01628 636 661
Youth Info Services – Milton Keynes: 0173 334 9932
Lesbian & Gay Switchboard : 0121 622 6589
Lothian Gay & Lesbian Switchboard – Scotland: 0131 556 4049

China: (021) 6279-8990 - LifeLine Shanghai
China: 800-810-1117 - 北京心理危机研究与干预中心 (Beijing Suicide Research and Prevention Center Hotline)
China: (0433) 273 9595 - Lifeline Yanji
Hong Kong: 2382 0000 - Suicide Prevention Services
Hong Kong: 2389 2222 - The Samaritan Befrienders Hong Kong
Hong Kong: 2896 0000 - The Samaritans Hong Kong
India: + 0484 2540530 - Maithri
India: +91 9243473794 - Save India Family Foundation
India: +91 33 2474 4704/5886 or 2474 5255 - Lifeline Foundation
India: +91 22 2754 6669 - AASRA
India: +91-22-2397 3451 - Samaritans Sahara
India: +91-413-339999 - MAITREYI
India: +91 40 7904646 - ROSHNI
India: +91 79 2630 5544/0222 - Saath
India: +91 (0) 44 2464 0050 - SNEHA
India: 2338 9090 - Sumaitri
India: +91 239 6272 - MAITHRI - Cochin
Indonesia: Check for General Support, Abuse, Runaway/At-Risk/Homeless Support, and Depression/Suicide Support. There is text support and phone support.
Japan: 03-5774-0992 - Tell Lifeline Counselling
Japan: 03-3498-0231 - Tell Lifeline Face-to-Face
Japan: +81 (0) 3 5286 9090 - Befrienders International, Tokyo
Japan: +81 (0) 6 4395 4343 - BI Suicide Prevention Centre, Osaka
Japan: 06-4395-4343 SPC - Osaka
Malaysia: (06) 284 2500 - Befrienders Malacca
Malaysia: (04) 281 5161/1108 - Befrienders Penang
Malaysia: (03) 7956 8144/8145 - Befrienders Kuala Lumpur
Malaysia: (05) 546 7933/7599 - Befrienders Ipoh
Malaysia: 06 7653588/7653589 - Befrienders Seremban
Malaysia: (063) 92850039/92850039/92850049 - Lifeline Association of Malaysia
Philippines: 893-7606 or 893-7603 - Crisis Line Philippines
Philippines: (02) 8969191 or 0917 854 9191 - Manila Lifeline Centre
Singapore: 1-800-221-4444 - Samaritans
South Korea, Seoul: (02) 715-8600/716-8600/717-8600/718-8600  - Counsel24
South Korea: (82) 51 804 0896 - Lifeline National Office
South Korea: (02) 916-9191 - Seoul
South Korea: (81) 2 2649 9232/4 - West Seoul Saengmyung Eui Chunhwa
South Korea, Jeju: (064) 52-9191
South Korea, Chungju: (0441) 847-9191
South Korea, Jeonju: (0652) 86-9191
South Korea, Incheon: (032) 421-9191
South Korea, Bucheon: (032) 663-9191
South Korea, Pohang: (0562) 72-9191
South Korea, Goyang: (0344) 915-9191
South Korea, Gimhae: (0525) 21-9191
South Korea, Ulsan: (0522) 67-9191
South Korea, Busan: (051) 807-9191
South Korea, Daegu: (053) 475-9191
South Korea, Daejeon: (042) 254-9191
Sri Lanka, Bandarawela: 011 057 2222662
Sri Lanka, Colombo: 011 2692 909/011 2 683 555
Sri Lanka, Panduwasnuwara: 037 2291718
Sri Lanka, Kandy: (081) 2234 806
Sri Lanka, Matale: 066 2223521
Sri Lanka, Panadura: (038) 2235291
Sri Lanka, Colombo South: 011 401 094/011 4 404 536
Sri Lanka, 'Mel Medura': 011 2694665
Thailand: 02-713-6793 or 02-713-6791 - Samaritans
Thailand, Chiang Mai: (53) 225 977/8
Bangladesh: 01779554391 or 01779554392 - Kaan Pete Roi (Grameenphone)
Bangladesh: 01688709965 or 01688709966 - Kaan Pete Roi (Airtel)
Bangladesh: 01985275286 - Kaan Pete Roi (Banglalink)
Bangladesh: 01852035634 - Kaan Pete Roi (Robi)
Pakistan: 15/115
Indonesia: 500-454
Taiwan: 0800 788 995 - Taiwan Suicide Prevention Center
Taiwan: 1995 - Taiwan Lifeline International

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