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"We already hacked their systems and got past their weak defenses more than once. Why the heck are you calling the assassination mission off now?! We are so close to killing their Kageyama Tobio."

"It's too risky. You know they just brought in a load of talented new recruits, right? We have to pull back for now."

"Like we care! I've waited so long to engage in battle and now you've taken the fun out of the mission! And  the mission!I can take out a few newbies, no problem! After all, they haven't seen a good fight until they've had to deal with me."

A short oranged haired boy waited just around the corner, eavesdropping on his targets. After hearing their plans(and the hurtful newbie comment), he jumped around the corner, facing three targets, all bigger than him. Why'd they all have to be taller than me?

"So you think the Karasuno newbies are weak?"

The three boys on the other end of the hall were shocked.

"How'd you get past our defenses?!" One of them(who resembled an owl)yelled.

"Wait." Another(who seemed to be the leader-he wanted to be an alien when he grew up, but became a spy instead)pushed the owl boy back a bit.

"You're" The last(who resembled a cat-a hot one at that), stood shocked, eyes wide open.

The orange haired newbie smiled triumphantly, hands on his hips. "That's right. I'm first timer, Hinata Shoyo, affiliated with the Karasuno spy agency."

The three enemy spies burst out laughing. "You just told us all your info! Isn't that one of the things you aren't  supposed to do as a spy?!" The owl boy exclaimed between laughs.

In return to his comment, Hinata Shoyo immediately covered his mouth, realizing the mistake he made.


The lights flickered, and a horn sounded. Another boy, also taller than Hinata walked onto the scene. "Hinata. Bokuto is right. You aren't supposed to tell all your information to the enemy like that! We talked about this."

Hinata slumped over, looking disappointed. "Sorry Daichi."

"Aw, don't worry about it! You almost had it, and with the help of those awesome enemies over there," The cat boy looked over at the other two-who had played the enemies-as they waved at him. "I'm sure you'll definately get it next time!" The cat boy smiled and patted Hinata on the back.

Hinata looked up at him and smiled. "Thanks, Kuroo."

Bokuto walked over to interrupt. "It was great doing business with ya, Hinata! Glad I was a formidable enemy to help you train." The leader of the fake enemies walked over as well. "Now can we take a break please? We've been working at this for a while now." Daichi nodded over to the four friends, who were aching for a break.


In another training facility, another member of the Karasuno spy agency, Kageyama Tobio, was getting ready for yet another training simulation. Hinata had stopped by to see how it was going, but he ended up helping with the training simulation, playing the role of an enemy spy who had pretended to be on Kageyama's side.

The backstory of the simulation was that Hinata had infiltrated Karasuno's base and acted as a spy working there. Kageyama and Hinata became partners and as a cliche twist Kageyama falls for Hinata. Since this is already true, they used Hinata as the enemy spy to make things more realistic.

"Alright, let's do this!" Sugawara Koushi, a co-executive of the Karasuno spy agency(working alongside Daichi, the Executive of the agency)was running the training simulation, hoping things go smoothly.

Everyone got into position, and a buzzer went off.

Everyone was dressed nicely, the male spies in tuxedos, and the female spies in beautiful dresses that touched the floor. Everyone in the dimly lit room made a toast to the defeat of their last enemy. What they didn't know was that a new opponent was about to ruin their little celebration.

A few moments after everyone took a sip of their beverages, the highest ranking field agent collapsed on the floor. Kageyama rushed over to him, checking his pulse. He looked over to the other worried faces in the room. "He's dead."

The crowd murmured quietly to each other, just as their newest enemy-the Nekoma Spy Agency-burst through the door. Many of their agents crowded the room, their head, Kuroo Tetsurou, grabbing hold of Hinata's arm.

The head of Fukurodani was there as well. Bokuto Koutarou held up a gun and began yelling. "Hey, hey, hey, everyone! Here's the way things are gonna go!  Get on your knees, and give us all your info, or I'll shoot!" The one running his agency next to Bokuto was Akaashi Keiji. He walked up next to Bokuto, a slightly annoyed look on his face.

"Bokuto-san you're being too harsh. This is a mission not a robbery." The head put his gun down.

Kageyama finally managed to push through the crowd. Someone yelled, "Kageyama! Kill the orange haired kid, he's with the enemy!" Kageyama froze. The words rang through his head and he had to cough a few times to start breathing again. "Wh-what? Hinata, is this true?" The orange haired boy nodded his head reluctantly. "It's okay Kageyama. If you need to kill me for the safety of you and your friends, I wouldn't mind."

Why would you say something like that, dumbass?! It just makes it 10 times harder to pull the trigger!

Kageyama pulled his pistol out of his tuxedo and pointed it at Hinata. His finger stayed tense, frozen on the trigger. "I...I can't do it..." He whispered to himself. A gunshot rang out through the room, followed by a blood curdling scream and the sound of a body hitting the floor. "Ouch!" Said Bokuto. A room full of eyes locked on him as he rubbed his arm.

"Akaashi, that hurt!" A kick to the shin. "Ow! Oh..." He took a look at his gun. "I guess the safety wasn't on. Whoops......" He backed away slowly and out of the room. Someone broke the silence. "Kageyama! Kill him! Kill the orange haired boy!" Hinata smiled as though to try and comfort Kageyama.

 He mouthed the words "It's okay." To Kageyama. "Fuck! I can't do it!" Then he threw his water gun on the floor and stomped out. The buzzer sounded to signal the end of the simulation. "Kageyama! It's just a water gun! It's not going to actually kill your friend!!! Great acting by the way. You get a C-." Suga walked over to Kageyama and smiled as he patted him on the back.

"I know Suga, but...I just can't....I just can't...whether it be a real gun or a water gun....I can't. Not to Hinata. Maybe I'm just not cut out for spy work." Suga thought for a moment.

"Ooooh, I know. You got a perfect score on your last test, but Hinata wasn't there." Suga started giggling uncontrollably. "So you guys are on again, huh? Congrats! Now go talk to your hubby over there!" He slapped Kageyama on the back, sending him in Hinata's direction.

"Kageyama!" Hinata's face lit up at the sight of his lover. He jumped up and wrapped his arms tightly around Kageyama's waist. "You make me so happy! When you didn't pull the made me so happy!!! Well, sure you completely failed your training simulation, but still it makes me so happy!~"

Kageyama patted Hinata lightly on the back, and laughed a little. He buried his face into the orange fluff on Hinata's head. "I love you." He whispered into his hair.

And through all the people talking and the noise, Hinata could hear exactly what Kageyama had said, making him feel like the happiest person on the planet, at that moment.

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