Shooting Range and Feeling Strange

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The two stared at the jobs board in disappointment.

"Well...yeah." Suga walked up to them. "The job suits you guys very well, I believe. Kageyama, who has a hard time with action, and Hinata, who announces his name, position, and affiliation with us every time he sees someone. You two are perfect for the job!" Suga patted them on the back and walked off.

"I knew this spy job would be a total bust." Kageyama slumped over, sighing.

Hinata looked up at Kageyama with a smile on his face. "Don't worry, Kageyama! Just you wait. Today, we're secretaries, tomorrow, we're at the top of the ranks! We'll be the best spies this agency has ever seen!"


"But for now, we'll have to be the best secretaries..."

Kageyama and Hinata sat, slumped over in their new work stations, practically drowning in paperwork. "How did we get this much work in so little time anyways?!" Kageyama was beginning to get angry. Hinata shrugged his shoulders.

The two were beginning to think the agency was messing with them.

"Get to work you two!" Kuroo and Bokuto teased as they walked past.

"Field agent fucks..." Kageyama said under his breath.

Hinata head this, and shot an angry glare in Kageyama's direction. His face immediately turned into a mischievous expression. "Hey Kageyama," Hinata tried not to laugh. Kageyama turned to face him.

"Wanna show Tetsurou and Koutarou who's boss? Wanna be better than them?" Hinata's smile grew bigger. "Of course, dumbass!" Kageyama growled. Hinata began furiously doing paperwork, quickly completing each page one by one. He stopped working for a moment only to tease Kageyama.

"Well too bad, because it'll be me showing them who's boss! I'm gonna do the most paperwork!" He started laughing as he resumed his work. "Hey!" It didn't take long before the both of them zoomed through their paperwork, and had also engaged in yet another competition.

Members of the agency stared, giving looks of confusion as they walked past. Daichi and Suga seemed amazed at this sudden burst of motivation. "It's fascinating how their bad moods could turn around so quickly." Daichi mused, crossing his arms and leaning against the wall. "They would definitely make a good pair. If their become field agents-and that's a big if," Suga paused to giggle. "-then I think they'd be a great team."

He turned to smile at Daichi. "Do you agree, Sawamura?" Daichi nodded in response, and looked back at the hard working secretaries, their speed appearing to increase as they began answering phone calls. "How did they get all that work in such a short time?" Suga wondered. The work station that Kageyama and Hinata shared was beginning to get noisy-and messy.

Daichi shrugged. "The agency works in mysterious ways. Sometimes even I can't control what happens here." Daichi shifted his gaze toward Kuroo and Bokuto, who were sharing a huge bag of chips, and making a mess on the desk they were eating them on. Bokuto poked his head up, his attention switching from the bag of chips to Daichi. "Huh?" A piece of chip dropped out of his mouth.

Kuroo laughed, Daichi rolled his eyes, and Suga giggled. Bokuto was clueless. "Don't worry about those two, they clean up their messes. But you should be worrying about those two." Suga looked back over at Kageyama and Hinata, completed paperwork literally flying out of their cubicle. Things were definitely getting out of hand over there.

Daichi hadn't been paying attention. When he did look back over at them, he could've blown a fuse. Oh, the mess those two were making! It was completely ridiculous for such a well organized agency such as Karasuno. His jaw dropped. "Stop!!!" He yelled at them. As expected, they didn't listen. They were too focused on their paperwork.

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