Together Forever

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I was dreaming.      Flash back*

 Dreaming about my past as a little girl, my dad was taking me out to ice cream, we were getting ready to go.

 I loved ice cream, but my mom just didn’t want me to be happy, she said I couldn’t go. They were fighting again; my mom had a cigarette in her hand, she was waving it around with a beer in the other.

                I ran upstairs to hide from the abuse that was lingering in the house. “Oh no you don’t!” my mother yelled at me.

 She grabbed me with her left hand, the hand with the cigarette. “owww!” I screamed, she had burnt me with the cigarette, “What on earth is the matter with you?”  My mother looked at my dad, with guilt.

“I…..I……I…. didn’t mean……. to do that.” I was still crying the burn it hurt.

 My mother threw the cigarette away; I saw where it landed and did nothing about it. She let go, and I ran into daddy’s arms. I went to sleep, in his arms on the couch.

People were screaming; mom and dad.  They were probably yelling at each other in the night. It was cold, I opened my eyes, I was outside?? I was in my dad’s arms, he put me down and told me to stay where I was. I nodded, he ran back inside.

“I’m going to get your mother! Stay there, I’ll be back.”  I turned to the house.

It was on fire! I was panicking. What if my dad never gets out? What if mom never gets out? What am I going to do? Where am I going to go?

                I tilted my head, thinking about mother’s cigarette. I put my head back, looking at the stars, and passed out.

“Abigail?.................. Abigail?” I looked up I saw a strange lady; she was wearing a blue mask on her face. “It’s okay, she alright.” I had no Idea what she was talking about. I felt weird and woozy, weak, my arm? I looked at my arm; it had a band aid on it, with tubes, clear tubes sticking out of my arm.  And my nose it felt weird to I lifted my arm to see what it was that was sticking out of it. I was a tube as well. Whats wrong with me?

“Abigail don’t touch it. Abigail?” I closed my eyes feeling weak at the moment. Assuming they thought I was sleeping, they started to talk again. “Who’s going to tell her? I don’t want to, guys I don’t want to tell a seven year old that her dad is dead!” I was crying, this can’t be true, they are lying! My dady’s not dead.

It all came back to me, the cigarette, the burn, mom yelling, daddy last words, fire, the stars.


I woke up in cold sweat I started to cry. I took the picture out of my dad I looked at it for a real good time. I looked down at my arm, the scar of my mother’s hate. I kissed the picture and put it back in my pocket. I laid down again I looked at the stars, I has flash backs like this all the time. “I’m  going to get your mother! Stay here, I’ll be back.” I wish his last words were I love you, and I wish they were mine too. As I looked at the stars and saw fire, and lots of it I also saw my father’s face, as well as mine eating ice cream.

I was furious, I sat up and started to walk again, I walked until I heard traffic, then I turned away and started to walk I this direction. It was sun rise.  I saw a hill ahead it felt like it was moving away from me as I got closer; I started to run to it. It was getting closer now, I felt relieved that I was crazy. Ha ha I am crazy I just killed my parents.

 It felt like a lifetime before I approached the hill, I walked to the tip, and looked over the horizon, I could smell breakfast, bacon, eggs, waffles, French toast. I looked down below the sun, there were town houses, reminded me of my own house.

                I saw a restaurant, I was hungry. I ran to the place, like I never ran before. I walked in, the smell that I had smelt on the hill, was stronger than ever. I walked  to the front counter, and looked at the menu, there were breakfast sausages, to go.  

“Hello, good morning do you know what you will be ordering this fine Sunday morning?” she said like she didn’t want to be there.

“Yes, can I please get the breakfast sausages for  three dollars to go?” I said like I knew the place. Which I didn’t, because I lived on the other side of town.

“Yep, it will be right there.” She said with a cute smile on her face. “Anything else?” she asked. ”Yes could I get a large coffee?”  She poured the coffee in a big mug, and passed it to me. “That would be six dollars and fifty three sense.” She said as she was typing it into the cash register.

 I handed her the money, picked up my coffee and chugged it. When I was done that fine drink, my breakfast was placed in front of me. I ate it like a hobo, needing food.  I was mean but at that moment I was starving.

I turned around after finishing the food, and saw the T.V. The news was on, right when I looked my face was on there, “Last night a fire burnt down, the Breslin’s house. Suspects say they saw miss’s Breslin’s daughter ran away after the houses big explosion.  At the moment Abigail Breslin is still missing. If you have seen this fifteen year old girl, please contact us right away. And so far there Have been no survivers.” I shut off the T.V. right away and turned around.

“My god it’s you.” The cash lady said. She hopped to the phone. I ran out that door faster than I ran for the restaurant.

 I ran until I could hear anything but the birds. I was in another corn field, running for a house to hide in. As I ran I stepped on something soft, I had no time to look back to see what it was. But I did anyway, it was a bird, a baby one. I stopped and turned back to see how damaged it was. I broke its legs. I looked around to find something to help it. But there was nothing. I felt sorry for what I did, not mentioning what I just did. I dropped the rock, and ran some more. 

 I could smell horse crap, I knew I was close to something.

I ran faster and faster, until I stopped in front of a road, I looked around I saw a house a barn, and some more corn.

 I sat down, tired. I looked down the road, looked down the other side, there was nothing. Man I must have ran far.  I scooted into the corn field again, and laid there again, and closed my eyes. I tried to picture, my family all together.

 My mother not a drug addict, and not abusive. I pictured us happy eating ice cream. One small happy family. Together forever.

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