Chapter 2

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Tiffany slowly parted her lips from Taeyeon’s releasing the passionate kiss that they had just shared. She lifted herself up above Taeyeon’s body though her eyes were still locked to Taeyeon’s. After smiling to Taeyeon she landed her body on the bed. She then wrapped her arms around Taeyeon’s waist and rested her head on her right arm. “You don’t know how much I missed you.” She stated and hugged Taeyeon tightly.

“I know…”

Taeyeon stroked Tiffany’s hair with her only free hand smiling at her dorky “wife”. “Because I missed you just as much.” I missed you even more since Yuri and Jessica continuously bragged about their relationship. I was jealous of them since you weren’t here with me.

“…” Silence swept the room as the two girls lie on the bed holding on to each other.

“Tiffany ah…are you just going to sleep like this?” Taeyeon suddenly asked and nudged the silent girl besides her. “You haven’t changed nor showered.”

“Don’t interrupt the mood, Taeyeon ah…”

“No. You go shower you dirty little thing.” Taeyeon commanded and pulled the already dozed off Tiffany out of bed. “Come on, go shower. You haven’t showered for at least 17 hours, go.”

“How about…you and I…shower together?” Tiffany winked.


“You did say you wanted to take our relationship forward.”

“Should we…?”

After hearing what had just slipped out of Taeyeon’s mouth, the bewildered Tiffany’s eyes popped wide opened. She blinked a few times before snapping back to reality. “Ya…”

“I was kidding. Now go shower.” Taeyeon instructed and gave Tiffany a slight push.

“Ok.” Tiffany responded. “But you should push our beds together while I shower. I mean, don’t you want to sleep with me?” She gave Taeyeon her wide mischievous smile again.

“Why me?”

“Because you’re my man.”

Taeyeon turned her head around to hide the wide grin that appeared on her face. “Ok fine.” She replied.


After nearly an hour of reading her favorite English book to Yuri, Jessica felt that her eyelids have gotten heavier and heavier. “Yuri ah…” She called and placed the book down on the desk next to her bed. She looked down only to find that Yuri’s eyes are closed and that she has fallen asleep comfortably on her lap. Smiling at the pretty face in front of her eyes, she stroked the owner’s hair calmly.

“Yuri ah…you’re such a good kisser…but your acting is not nearly as good.” Jessica said casually as she continued to stroke Yuri’s hair. “It’s hard to hold that smile in isn’t it?” No response from Yuri. “Ya, go back to your bed and sleep.” Still, no response from Yuri. “If you want to sleep with me then at least turn around so I can lay down as well.”

Just as Jessica had expected, Yuri slowly repositioned herself parallel to Jessica’s body. “You’re so sly.” Jessica remarked as she lie her back down on the bed next to Yuri.

“I love you.” Yuri whispered to Jessica’s ears then wrapped her arms around Jessica’s waist holding her tightly.

“I love you too.” Jessica responded. “Just make sure you don’t interrupt my sleep.” She added followed by Yuri’s chuckle.

“Ah!” A scream was heard from the bathroom.

“Aish, what are they doing in there?”

“Don’t mind them, just sleep.”

Wishing You Were Here part 2 (Love Affair)Where stories live. Discover now