Chapter 5

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After I woke up I felt the need to be with him again but you know I had to use the bathroom to clean myself up. I went to my old room and got me a blue Hollister shirt and some white skinny jeans with my combat boots. I didn't want to wake anyone so I went to klaus room to take a shower. He wasn't in there so I locked his door, laid my clothes on his bed , took a wash cloth and towel. Then went into the bathroom and turned on the shower. The warmth of the water fulfilled my body although I couldn't feel it. When I got done soaking in my thoughts I washed my hair then got out. I wrapped the towel around me then walked out the bathroom. There he was sitting on the bed starring at me. Boy he was hotter sitting than standing.

" I thought you died Seraphine ."

" Well I'm still here ." I say " what makes you think that I was really tired Klaus geeesh. Now come here with my clothes ."

" Babe you look hot in that towel ." He say " I mean wait until I get my hands on you it's going to be over with."

" I mean you know I'm not doing those things so stop fantasizing ." I say . " Plus I'm not ready I'll be more then likely to let you know when I'm ready Klaus ."

" You know it's going to be harder on yourself than me because I'm a total hot pants ." He says walking over to me handing me my clothes.

" Its really not . " I say . " Plus I can handle myself unlike some body named Klaus Michael Wayland ." Rolling my eyes.

" I am going to get you before the day over . " he say proudly . " and you will be calling my name haha loudly ." He got up and left the room.

I don't think he's going to get me because I can put up a pretty good fight . Although I was totally ready. So basically I lied to my mate . Oh my I pant. I really want him now . The thought of him makes me happy . When I return to the living room they all was watching tv even Klaus. I walked over and sat by him.

" I know you want too that's why you're so close to me ." He say turning to me.

" Maybe I'm close because I'm mated to you ." I say . " Plus I love you . I hope you know you're conceited too ."

" Oh babe I'm just sexy ." He says . " Oh yeah I always get what I want . " He said with a smirk.

" You really need to stop fantasizing Klaus ." I mumble for him to hear . " I am a strong holding person I fight for what I want to stay symbolized ." I say with a light smile . " I'm about to go to OUR room ." I say walking off.

I can feel his presence near by me that's why I sped up. When I got to the room before him I locked the door. Then I heard him knock three times before he busted in like it was no problem. Well I guess it wasn't since we have super strength . I was laughing at him because I knew he was angry I could tell.

" So we locking doors now ." He say . " Let me just remind you that doors shouldn't get locked. If so we will have a broken door like this ." He gestured at the door . Then came and sat by me.

" Well I'm going to take a nap since you're mad ." I say softly . " I didn't mean to upset you Klaus I was just having fun ." I say dozing off.

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