Rant 1 : Death Seekers

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Now let me explain. What I call a death seeker is anyone in a video game that all they care about is getting kills not getting a objective or doing what you need to do to win the match. This rant will not talk about tryhards or people who "main" one hero and give team composition no mind, I want to save that for later I'm specifically talking about death seekers. Right now this is a HUGE problem with the overwatch community and is on a rise in destiny. I'll first talk about my problem with the overwatch death seekers because they are the worst.

Ok overwatch's devs didn't put a score board in the game because they wanted everyone to not care about kills but more about the objective. In the game of overwatch you could get 100,000,000 kills in one match but that doesn't matter kills DON'T MATTER getting the objective does though. Okay whew... Gotta calm down. I hate it when I get stuck on a team with death seekers because right now my character is level 23 so I can't go into competitive mode where they are fewer. But I can't tell you how many games I've lost or have seen lost because people are either to full of themselves to work as a team and want all the glory or simply WON'T STAND ON THE POINT!!! It's frustrating when their whole team is on the point and some one rushes in and Uses their ultimate when if we pushed as a team we would be a lot mor successful.

Ok I know that in destiny kills do matter. But when kills give 100 points and let's say getting the rift scores is like 3000 you kinda want to do the rift don'tcha. Now I know some teams play offensively and some play defensively but if your not good at one try the other. For example I recently went into a rift match that had already started alpha 8,000 bravo 3,500 I (of course) was sent to bravo. By the end I carried my team to beat victory because they where to busy trying to kill then to get the spark. Now here's the kicker they killed everyone BUT the runner the ONE PERSON THEY NEED TO KILL!!!!!! (And by the way I got the spark into the rift TWICE by myself with no guards because my team was dying somewhere else, and I nearly got it in again only reason I didn't was because a Titan fist of panicked me at the last second before I reached it)

Thanks for reading this I really needed to do this. And hey if you have a similar opinion of liked this give it a vote I'm working on some other stuff right now and I thought this would be something I could do in between regular chapter updates.
This is Ash Pines sighting off. Goodbye!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2016 ⏰

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