More Freakin' Books

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A.N: Shit... I really don't need to be starting another chapter story... This one shouldn't be super long, though, so prepare your butts for some cuteness (and possible feels... Idk yet)!

Third Person P.O.V

Armin walked out of the school's library, a box full of books in his hands. School had been out for a few minutes now, but he had overheard that the librarian was going to throw out some of the old books, claiming that nobody ever checked them out, and that nobody would miss them. Armin stopped by the library and offered to take any books she was planning on throwing away -- even the broken and faded ones. In his mind, there was no such thing as an unreadable book, and even if he couldn't tell what the book said, he'd still appreciate the work the author went through to make it in the first place.

He was struggling with the box, as it was quite heavy, when his best friend, Eren, came to his aid, taking the box from him with ease. "Oh, hey Eren! Thank you." The blonde smiled at his friend.

"No problem." Eren replied. "Though what do you need all of these books for?"

Armin shrugged. "Reading."

"Dude. Three of these are textbooks." Eren said, peering inside the box.

"So? They're still fun to read."

"History, Physics, and Geography?" Eren questioned. "Don't you already have books on all of those subjects?"

"Well, yeah... But not these ones! They're new to me, and they were completely free!"

"There's a reason for that." Eren muttered. "How do you read them, anyway?"

"With my eyes." Armin joked.

"Smartass." Eren noted. "But seriously, how do you read these things? There aren't even any pictures!"

"The words are the picture! In your head... It's hard to explain."

"So, basically, you stare at a piece of dead wood for hours and hallucinate?" Eren asked.

"Well when you put it like that, I just sound crazy." Armin sighed. "Anyway, what's up?"

"Well... You know Levi, right?"

"Of course not, it's not like you've been fawning over him since he asked you out." Armin replied sarcastically.

"Right, well, he has this friend who he says is interested in you--"

"No." Armin interrupted. "I know who you're talking about, and the answer is no."

"Why? He's not a bad guy." Eren protested.

"I am NOT dating a man whose face is 40% eyebrows." Armin stated. "Besides, he creeps me out for some reason... He's just weird..."

"I thought you lived by the rule of 'not judging a book by its cover'?" Eren raised his eyebrow.

"I don't judge books by their cover... Just people." Armin shrugged.

"Ugh..." Eren rolled his eyes. "You seriously need to find a boyfriend... Or girlfriend... Or gender-queer significant other." He paused with an aggravated sigh. "Whatever kind of person you're interested in."

"Unfortunately, all of the girls here are either sluts or taken, and all of the guys are douchebags..."

"Hey! I'm not a douchebag!" Eren protested, offended. "I'm even carrying your books for you."

"Oh, sorry Eren, I should have specified... All the hot guys around here are douchebags." Armin snickered.

"'Ey! You're so rude... Why do people think you're cute again?"

Armin shrugged again and took the box back from Eren as they neared Armin's grandfather's car in the school parking lot. "I don't know. Ask them." He put the box of books in the backseat and smiling, he turned to Eren. "Do you need a ride?" He jingled his keys. "I've got my licence now!"

"Sorry, Armin! Levi's actually taking me to his place for a... Uh... Study session..." Eren replied, an obvious blush on his cheeks.

Armin laughed. "What are you two studying? Human anatomy?"

"Armin!" Eren scolded. "You're supposed to be the innocent one, goddammit!" Eren shoved his shoulder playfully.

"I couldn't help it!" Armin laughed. "Anyway, I'll seeya on Monday." Armin waved goodbye and hopped in the driver's seat.

After a long and uneventful ride, he finally made it back to his house, just in time, too, as snow began falling as soon as he pulled in the driveway. "Dang... I guess it's colder than I thought." Armin stepped out of his car into the now crisp air. He could've sworn it was comfortable out when he left school, but now it felt like there was a snowstorm coming.

Armin got his box of book and went inside, relieved by the warm atmosphere inside his house. He took off his shoes and walked to his room and stacked the box next to his full bookshelf. "Hm... I wonder if Grandpa will make me another bookshelf for Christmas? That'd be nice..." He said quietly to himself.

His Grandfather was an inventor, and while most people in the town think he's a loon, Armin has always wholeheartedly believed in the man's inventions. Every now and then Armin even helps him fix a mistake or two.

"IT WORKS!" Speak of the devil, Armin heard his grandfather shouting in the basement. Excitedly, Armin rushed downstairs to see what was making his grandpa so happy.

"What works?" He asked as he jumped the last two steps and landed with his bare feet on the cold basement floor.

"My latest invention! It's a lightbulb that can be powered with nothing but the air surrounding it! Forget plugging lamps in," he demonstrated by cutting the wire off a lamp. "Now you can just--" He flipped the switch on the lamp and it instantly lit up.

"Woah!!" Armin stared in awe. "And it's not just a wireless lamp?"

"Nope!" He put on a glove and unscrewed the bulb, which stayed lit the entire time, until he tapped a small button that shut it off.

"Sweet!" Armin hugged him.

"I think I might still have time to make it to that meeting tonight... I can present this for it!" He smiled widely.

Half an hour later, Armin's grandfather was halfway out the door. "Be careful, Grandpa." Armin smiles and hugged him. "Drive safely."

"I will, Armin. Thank you." He happily stepped out into the now three inch deep snow and went to his car. Armin was worried, though. The snow was falling rather quickly, and his grandfather would be driving in a rural area out in the woods...

"I hope he's okay..." Armin sighs and shuts the door.

A.N: Whoop! I promise Jean'll show show up in the next chapter... I think... I just didn't want to end up writing a two-thousand-something word chapter... So yeah! I hope you enjoyed that, and if you didn't then.... Re-read it an enjoy it this time.

Thanks for reading! Don't die before I update again!~

Beauty and the Beast (Jearmin AU) {JeanxArmin}Where stories live. Discover now