chapter 13

11 3 0


What the hell just happened and who the hell is that asshole that crashed my flippen date ?????
He looks rich but a bit old for Skylar...... My skylar...... I promised myself that I will never allow anyone to ever interfere in my relationship again....but thats just the and skylar aren't  in a relationship..... but I want to be....


I feel like such a could I be on a date with one hot guy and allow another sexy guy to just kiss me?????oh why do I even still think bout Adam as sexy ....... he humiliated me and he's my lecturer ..... but besides that ... how did he know where I would be??? And why did he kiss me????? Ughhh men are such confusing idiotasses


Why did I do that???why  don't I just forget bout Sky? Coz clearly she doesn't give a damn about me.......but seeing her with that asshole ...ughhh I hoped I'd never have to see him again ........ I want Sky all for myself even if its just for one thing..... Ill start by trying to apologise for the otherday and maybe for the kiss?? O wait no!! I won't apologise for somerhing I enjoyed so much !!!!And that bastard better stay out of my way or history will repeat itself.....

Ok guys
How do you think Adam and Riley know eachother and what happened and who should Sky choose????

Get back to me!!!

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