Chapter 2: The Interview

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Brooke Masters does not match the mental image I conjured of her a few days ago. When Jemma told me about her friend – an accountant who'd never stepped foot inside a club before – the picture I got in my head was of someone a lot Brooke is hands down the sexiest woman I've seen in the club tonight. The small amount of make-up she's wearing highlights her hazel eyes, high cheekbones, and voluptuous mouth.

She's smoking hot, which is the last thing I need her to be. I have plans for her – plans that don't involve making her blush simply because she looks so good with colour in her cheeks. Plans that don't involve fantasising about her kneeling naked in front of me, my hands tangled in her hair and her mouth wrapped around my dick as her glorious hazel eyes look up at me.

I shake my head, trying to clear out the far too exciting images dancing through my head. My blood feels too hot and pulses thickly low in my belly. This is exactly what I don't need. I have too much at stake for any kind of distraction. I can't afford to screw the staff. More importantly, I can't afford to screw Brooke. Not when I need her help.

Not when the future of my club is at stake.

A quick glance over my shoulder confirms Brooke is following me. I lead her down a series of hallways until we reach my office. After opening the door, I step out of the way and let her through. Her obvious nervousness is replaced by surprise as she takes in the utilitarian furniture that fills the space. There wasn't a whole lot of money left in the budget by the time I'd finished outfitting the club – not for the nice, luxurious office everyone expects me to have. About the only thing state-of-the-art in here is my computer.

Normally, I don't conduct interviews in here, and Kane, my bar manager, could have easily interviewed Brooke. However I want to get a feel for this woman, get to know her a little. I need to know if everything Jemma told me about her is true. Is Brooke really the good and decent person Jemma promised me she is? More importantly, can I trust her with the financial situation of my club?

I shut the door behind us and motion to one of the empty metallic chairs Brooke is eyeing curiously. "Have a seat, Brooke."

The moment she sits down her nervousness appears to return; her hands smooth her skirt down her thighs before she folds them in her lap. Her gaze darts around the room before landing on her resume which is sitting on my desk. Jemma passed it on a few days ago and I've already given it a thorough look through. Just as Jemma promised, Brooke is more than qualified to work the bar. But it's her accounting experience I'm more interested in. The accounting firm she worked at is reputable, and the fact they offered her a job straight out of university speaks volumes about her abilities.

"You're an accountant," I state. "I guess that means I don't have to test your basic maths."

Her smile is the epitome of polite. "No. I passed maths with flying colours."

"That's a relief. You have no idea how many beautiful girls walk through the doors of this club not knowing how to add a few numbers together."

Colour sweeps up her cheeks, and again I find myself admiring how gorgeous she looks like with a flush on her high cheekbones.

"Addition and subtraction aren't problems for me," she assures me.

"Want to tell me about what happened at S.T Meeks & Associates?"

Her smile slips a little. "It was a case of last one on, first one off. I have a letter of recommendation from my boss. He was more than satisfied with my performance. He simply didn't feel right firing some of the people who had been with him for twenty years or more when I'd been with them for less than eighteen months."

Dance with Me (He's the Boss): Boss-Employee RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now