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Damita walked up to Afeni's door and knocked softly.

Nobody came, so she knocked harder , she knew someone was there or at least she hoped someone was there.

To no luck, she turned around and started to walk down the stairs of their porch. Finally, the door swung open, revealing an impatient Afeni.

"Girl. I thought you were one of them damn Jehovah Witnesses."She laughed.

Damita laughed weakly with her and started to walk back up the stairs.

"I just finished cooking some Meatloaf and Mashed Potatoes if you're hungry."she said, as they walked through the living room and into the kitchen.

Damita sat down at the table and Afeni put a plate in front of her.

"What happened to your face?"she asked.

Damita's cheek was swollen and puffy. It was red from Rebbie's hand and puffy from the waterworks afterwards and the whole ride there.

"My sister hit me. Does it look bad?"She sighed.

"Just a bit."she bit her bottom lip.

She went into the freezer and grabbed a small bag with ice in it.

"Hold this on it, while you eat. It'll go down."she handed to her.

"Thank you."Damita said lowly.

"Did you fight her?"Afeni asked.

"No, it was my oldest sister. She's almost like my mother. I couldn't do that. If it was my other sister I would have beat her ass with no hesitation."She laughed.

"Why did she hit you? What happened?"She asked.

"We we're arguing about my dad and Amaru. She said that maybe I should focus on getting my degree and think about him later."She sighed.

"Then I responded "This is coming from someone who didn't goto college? You were married at my age" Then she hit me."She said taking a bite out of her food.

"Wow."Afeni said.

"Where's Amaru?"She asked, happily.

"They all just left right before you got here. I don't have the slightest idea where they went."She shrugged.

"Oh okay, well he'll come back."Damita shrugged.

She took her plate to sink and washed it.

"You look tired, you should take a nap."Afeni examined the mark on her face.

"I am, I haven't slept in days."She rubbed her puffy, pink eyes.

Afeni saw everything she had been feeling all over her face. She could tell she was stressed, crying, tired and everything else. It was all over her face.

She couldn't understand why her family could act that way towards her. She was so sweet and so polite. How could they like to see her like this?

"Well, you know where Amaru's bedroom is. I'll be back I'm going to Audrey's for a second."She said.

"Okay."Damita said.

The two of them hugged before she left and Damita went straight to Amaru's room.

She put on one of his shirts and went straight to sleep.


Mike, Amaru and Taniyah were on their way to Peaches house.

All of this was her fault and she needed to know.

Two Worlds Collide (BOOK I)Where stories live. Discover now