Chapter 1 - Part VII

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The boys and girls split up after Heather was introduced, with Coach Raide taking the boys outside while the girls remained indoors.



"So..." Eric placed his hands behind his head. "That Heather chick with the mean WWF skills is the woman in charge of those people who tried kidnapping you and Lilian, huh?"

"Seems that way," Kevin grunted. He and Eric were standing in yet another line, this one on the basketball court.

I hate basketball.



Eric whistled. "Damn. Never thought we'd bump into one of those people. Wonder how she got a job working at this school. Then again, that Japanese professor guy―"

"Inagami Takashi."

"Right, right, him. Anyway, he also worked at this school. Maybe she had her super secret spy agency or whatever create some false identification stating she was a teacher."

"Or maybe your dad let her have the job because she's hot, and we all know that your dad's as lecherous as you are."



"That's a harsh thing to say, My Lord," Eric muttered. "My old man might be a perv, but there's no way he's anywhere near as perverted as me!"

"That's not something to be proud of, idiot! And don't call me 'My Lord!' It's creepy."



"So, what do you think's going on with the girls?" asked Eric.

Kevin ran a hand through his hair. "I don't know, but I'm worried. That woman was the one who ordered my kidnapping, or at least I think she was. Either way, she was the one in charge of those people, which means she's the one who wanted to capture Lilian. Who's to say that's not still her goal?"

"You could always call the police."

"And say what? 'Hey, Mr. Police Officer. I've got this woman teaching my gym class. I think she's actually a spy sent by a secret organization to capture my kitsune girlfriend. Could you please send someone over here to arrest her for me?'" Kevin snorted. "Yeah, I can see that going over really well."

"You know, you've become awfully sarcastic in the past two weeks, My Lord." Kevin twitched. "Are you feeling alright?"

"Just dandy."



"Heh, looks like they're calling me." Eric stepped out of line and tossed his friend a wave. "Catch you later, My Lord."

"Oh, for the all the gods' sakes, would you stop calling me that?!"


"Shouldn't you be playing dodgeball with the other girls?"

Lilian didn't answer Heather's question, instead choosing to glare daggers at the blond-haired woman. The new assistant coach appeared more amused by the redhead's attempt at making her spontaneously combust via her eyes than bothered. She was even grinning.

"Now there's a dangerous look. You weren't wearing that look the last time I saw you." Heather lifted her eyes to the ceiling. "Then again, I couldn't really see you all that well, since you were being supported by your boy toy."

"Don't you dare call Kevin that!" Lilian spat.

"Oh, so you can talk. I was beginning to wonder."

Lilian and Heather sat on the bleachers. Well, Heather was sitting. Lilian stood several feet from the woman, hands clenched into fists so tight that it was a wonder her nails hadn't broken the skin.

"What are you doing here?"

"My job." Heather raised an eyebrow. "You know, assistant PE coach?"

"That's not what I meant and you know it!" Lilian's already narrowed eyes became fierce slits. Her transformation slipped for a second, whiskers appearing for a brief instant before vanishing. "What are you doing here? Are you here to try and kidnap me again? Or are you going to try and use Kevin as a hostage like you did last time? I swear, if you hurt even one hair on his head, I'll―"

"Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Slow down, girl." Heather raised her hands in a "settle down" gesture. "I have no designs on kidnapping either you or your boyfriend. I'm not even a member of that group anymore."

Lilian remained tense, still feeling wary of letting her guard down around this woman. "What do you mean?"

"I mean they fired me," Heather stated flatly. "People who don't accomplish their mission objectives aren't people they can afford to keep. When I failed to capture you, they decided I was no longer fit to be a member of their group and they dropped me faster than yesterday's trash."

"So, if you're not after me and Kevin, then what are you doing here?"

"Didn't I just tell you? I'm the assistant PE coach." Heather shrugged. "I needed a job, so I applied."

"And they let you work here just like that?"

"Yep." Heather nodded. "The principal said 'you're cute, so I'll hire you!' and that was how I got my job."

Lilian took a second to think about that statement.

A drop of sweat soon appeared near her temple, trailing down her face and neck, rolling across her clavicle bone, before dipping into her PE shirt.

Lilian remembered; she had been allowed to enroll despite not having any of the necessary background information for that very same reason.

"Right. I forgot the principal here is a complete pervert."


Sitting in his office, behind his fancy desk made of the finest mahogany, Principal Corrompere giggled. Several feet away from him was a television, and on that television was porn.

What? This was the guy who birthed Eric. Are you honestly surprised?

"Kukukuku... oh, yeah.... you girls are looking mighty fine... oh, yes... just like that... you can do it, baby!"

As he giggled some more, mumbling out words no principal in their right mind should ever say out loud—especially at a school—a strange sensation came over him, like a feather tickling his nose.

He sneezed. Then he looked around. After several seconds of nothing happening, Eric's father shrugged and went back to watching porn.

And people wondered why this school was so messed up.


Yay! Another excerpt from my foxy series, A Fox's Family. For anyone who is interested in grabbing a copy, you can go to my website:, or you can go straight to one of the many retailers who sell my books: Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Walmart, Books-a-Million, and Indie Bound.

To everyone who grabs a copy, know that you have my undying thanks. I really appreciate your support! ^_^

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