17 1 0

12 APR 2016

Hey Boy,

I dreamt of you, last night, alone. It was a nice dream, you was hugging me, telling me >I love you< and kissing me. I just wish it was true. After waking up the feeling didn't stop. It was just amazingly beautiful.

I still can't stop looking at you with a smile at my face. Your laugh, your smile, YOU. I crush you so freaking much hoping you feel the same about me. But I know you don't. Sometimes you look at me, maybe because of... I don't even know if you really see me, but yeah, you look at me. I think you just laugh about how dumb I am, how bad at maths, how overreacting, how depressed, how ugly and childish I am and how creepy I'm staring at you. I still hope I'm wrong, I mean hope dies last.

I texted you, asked you if you could help me with maths, but you didn't read it yet, I don't know if you are even going to (hope so, 'cause I need help and really like you).

Hope you had a nice day,


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