chapter 3

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*A/N yay! Pretty fast update! I won't drone on but one more warning. ***Warning: this storyw may be triggering if you have or have struggles with one of the following. Anorexia, bullamia, or cutting. Okay that's all! This I dedicated to @aligracemalcott for her sheer awesomeness! Go check out her book givinv back the gift! Now on to the chapter!


*Andrea's POV

I woke up still in my brothers arms halfway covered with a blanket. I tried to ease my way out so as not to wake him but it didn't work.

"Shit!" He yelled sitting straight up in bed staring at his watch, "it 8 am!" He jumped out bed without one thought to me and ran to his own room. I sighed getting out of bed. 'There goes my perfect attendence award' I thought. I quicky got dressed and ran, a brush through my hair. I walked into the living room area and grabbed my backpack. "Andrea!" Kayden yelled.

"Shhh! Mom and dad are still asleep!" I wisper yelled. As much as I loved my brother he loved projecting his voice when his emoitions were toyed with.

"Ugh right." He handed 7 dollars. "Buy lunch at school. Bye sis" he kissed my forehead and ran oout the door heading in the oppisite direction I would take. I followed shortly after him, heading to school. When I got there everyone was heading to second period. I went to my locker where a worried Andrew waited.

"There you are! I was worried something happened to you boo." He said as I walked up to him he kissed my forehead as I replied.

"Sorry babe," I silently wondered if calling him babe was okay. He smiled so assumed it was, "I slept in."

"pressed snooze to many times?" I inwardly frowned but kept a smile on my face. We couldn't afford an alarm clock but Kayden had phone and woke me up in time for school. But since he slept with me in my room we obviously couldn't hear it from his room. I decided to just lie. I didn't want him to think badly of me

"Yeah, the button is jusst so bloody temping." He slung his arm around my shoulder guiding me to our class which we had together.

"Of course it is boo" we sat through class passing notes about non-different things. When it finally came time for lunch we started walking to the cafiteria I started wondering if Andrew would not want me to sit with him. I mean his friends hated me.

"Is something wrong?" I hadn't even noticed I had stopped walking.

"Nothing" I said forcing a smile. He took my head between his hands and breifly pressed his warm lips to mine.

"Baby tell me, please. I want my beautiful princess to be happy." I twirled my hair around my finger.

"Just. . . Aren't you worried about what your friends will think?," I hesitated, "they don't like me." He let out an easy laugh.

"If they don't like my princess than there dicks that are going to hell." I sly grin crossed his face, "now come on baby smile for real." I tried my best and when he seemed satisfied he grabbed my hand and pulled me to the lunch room. They were serving ham on grilled cheese and it smell delicious. My tummy growled as we got in line. He grabbed a sandwhich, a bag of chips, an apple and some milk and carefully followed Andrew to the "popular table"

"Hey its trash girl!" One of the jocks yelled. Andrews face turned the color of my red apple.

"Go fuck yourself Mitchel! That's my girlfriend you're talking to!" The guy called Mitchel opened and closed his mouth like a fish out of water.

"Sorry." He muttered. Andrew pulled out my chakr for me and I sat down feeling quite out of place. I started eating amiably listenting to the others talk. When I was almost done I noticed one of the girls staring at my plate. I glanced down, nothing seemed wrong. Than I looked at her plate and saw all she had was a small salad and most of it was still on her plate.

"Do you have any idea how many calories you're taking in?" She said in the snippity way cheerleaders usually talk.

"Um. . ." I said trying to find the right words. Suddenly my thighs and stomach felt bigger. Maybe I had eaten to much. I suddenly felt like I needed to get rid of it. I knew throwing up was unhealthy but it would only be a one time thing. "No. . . I don't know how many calories. Excuse me." I got up and walked out of the cafeteria and into the bathroom. I knelt before the porcelin bowl and shoved two fingers down my throat. My entire meal came up and I quickly flushed it away. I stood up and felt dizzy. I leaned my head against the stall door. 'Please let this day be over soon' I thought. And with that exited the bathroom and back to the room that would soon become my worrst enemy.


*A/N okay yay! Done! I could have kept going but I decided nahhh let's just end it and make them wait! >:) so not much to say but I put up an actual cover for the book which should help draw peeps in! So yeah! Peace out! Love you guys! Stay strong!@

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