Six Months Later - Chapter 10

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Author Note:  Big thank you to all of those who have voted and commented.  You guys are amazing and I am grateful.  Keep 'em coming.  :)


I hate the bench outside the principal’s office. Nothing good ever comes from sitting here. The first time I perched my fanny on this slab of wood, I was waiting for my mom to pick me up when my granddad died. The second time was when Maggie and I got nailed at Starbucks during school hours and had to wait for detention slips. Today, I’m waiting so I can lie to the secretary.

Mrs. Love is a thin blond who was the prom queen, the head cheerleader, and the girl everyone thought would end up in Hollywood twenty years ago. Now, she’s the school secretary. I’m never quite sure whether or not I should feel sorry for her for that.

“Chloe? Chloe Spinnaker?” she calls, as if the office is swarming with Chloes and she has to be sure she has the right one.

I approach the tall desk, tipping my head. “I’m so sorry to bother you, Mrs. Love, but I had something special I thought you might be able to help with.”

“Well, things are pretty busy. Thanksgiving’s coming.”

Mrs. Love has a serious commitment to things like pasting paper turkeys and pilgrim hats and other seasonal stuff around the school. “I know,” I say, feigning empathy. “But it’s my senior year and you know my summer study group?”

She brightens at that. “Of course I do. I was the one who framed that newspaper article about your scores. Have you seen it?”

I wince, feeling kind of guilty. “I’m sorry, I haven’t.”

“Well, it’s right in the trophy case,” she says, looking a little put off. Does she really think that anyone who isn’t wearing a letterman’s jacket ever checks the trophy case? I’ve never looked at it, unless you count using the reflection from the glass to check my teeth after lunch.

I smile anyway. “That’s sweet of you. I’ll check it out.”

“So what can I help you with?”

“I’d like to send the SAT group a Christmas card,” I tell her. “Something handmade and special. But I want to make sure I don’t leave anyone out or spell anyone’s name wrong.”

“Okay,” she says, blinking up at me with vacant eyes.

“Well, I was hoping you might have a list here at the office.”

Mrs. Love’s mouth forms a perfect pink o and then she looks around. “Now, Chloe, you really should have this information from last year, shouldn’t you?”

“I know I should. I just went a little crazy deleting emails, and I thought I had a copy, and I don’t.”

God, I’m laying it on thick. Apparently, she’s buying it though, because she gives me a tight smile and hits a few keys on her computer. Next thing I know, two sheets of paper churn out of the printer. “I think it’s good to stay connected with your school friends. You’ll never have this time again, so cherish it.”

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