Chosen Destiney

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Leader- Froststar- pure white she-cat with ember eyes

Deputy- Wildwind- Brown and white she cat with wild blue eyes

Med. cat- Gingerlake- a ginger she cat with silver eyes


Dewleaf- Brown she cat with sky blue eyes

Barkclaw- brown tabby Tom with green eyes

Deerleap- brown she cat with white spots with forest green eyes

Sunstrike- a golden she cat with gray eyes

Blizzardflame- a white she cat with lavender eyes

Boltstrike- a golden Tom with a black stripe going down his back and sky blue eyes

Flashstrike- a golden Tom with striking ember eyes

Crazyfrost- a golden she cat with many white dotes all over her (Blizzardflame's mom)

Hollyheart- a black she cat with a white tail tip and paws

Brookeheart- a blue/silver she cat with blue eyes

Moonflight- a silver Tom with blue eyes

Frogleap- a brown Tom with green eyes

Emberflight- a silver she cat with ember eyes

Featherflight- a brown she cat with silver eyes

Silverclaw- a silver Tom with blue eyes

Zebrastripe- black and white Tom with blue eyes

Wolffang- a white Tom with big teeth and blue eyes

Whitewing- a white Tom with green eyes

Snowfall-white she cat with silver eyes

Fallingleaf- a brown she cat with green eyes


Rabbitpaw- brown Tom

Echopaw- a bright golden she cat

Fallenpaw- tabby she cat with gray fur

Songpaw- a white she cat

Musicpaw- a brown she cat

Ravenpaw- black Tom

Falconpaw- a brown Tom


Wolfheart- white she cat

Adderfang- brown Tom


None at the moment

Chapter 1

"Mom"I said." Yes my kit"."I want to go to the elders den may I"? "Yes my dear" she said. "Can u tell me a story"i ask Wolfheart. "Yes I can little one"she said back. "Thank u Wolfheart"i say,"now what do u want to hear little one". "I want to hear the one about Leafstar"I said. "Sure now let's see ah" Wolfheart said while thinking."A long time ago there was the bravest leader called Leafstar"."One day Leafstar learned where she came from, that made her stronger and she got more coura-" "Blizzardkit time for a nap" my mom called. "But mom u interrupted Wolfheart and the story" I yelled back! "To bad come on now she" said in a stern voice." Fine" I grumbled." Bye Wolfheart" I said. "Why do I have to always have to take a nap all the time"?! I half mumbled to myself.

Chapter 2

"Blizzardkit u r 6 moons old and ready

to become an apprentice" my leader said. "You r now Blizzardpaw and ur mentor will be Frostwing" Froststar said. "Frostwing u have proven ur self as a real warrior of Twilightclan and u r ready to have ur first apprentice and u have shown to be one of the best fighters in our clan, I hope u pass on all ur mentor Whitewing has taught u" Froststar yowled. "Yes" I said in my mined i got one of the best mentors ever! "Blizzardpaw lets go see the territory" Frostwing ordered. "Ok coming" I said! We joined a border patrol that went to the Forestclan border. They were the mean nasty ones that liked to pick on everyone and also pick fights. Their leader Fearstar is called Fearstar for a reason. Fearstar is a ruthless killer he is said to have killed his brother his mother and his whole family. He trains kits when they r 4 moons old and he lets the elders starve endless they can hunt for themselves and they get no respect. He says if u can't hunt u r as useless as a blind warrior. When we got to the border we smelt Forestclan across our border! They soon appeared out of the bushes. Guess who lead them the stupidest cat in the world Cutefur. A very weird name for a blood thirsty cat. "Well well well who do we have here" he said. "The weak stupidest cats in all the clans Twilightclan" he kept saying things about us. "U will shut up and back off"! said my mentor. "What if we don't" he retorted back. "Then u will wish u did leave"! said Frostwing. "Twilightclan attack"! I rushed for a scared apprentice. I clawed his sides and in return he scratched my back. I jumped up on him and he struggled to get free then I gave a scar he will never forget. "Retreat" yowled Cutefur.When we got back to camp everyone was around us and they asked what happened. Then Froststar told everyone to go back to what they were doing. She came up to us and asked what had happened,my mentor told my leader and she was so mad that she stormed out of camp and took our patrol with her. When we got to Forestclan camp we barged in and everyone was leaping at us until Froststar screeched Fearstar's name. "What r u doing in my camp" she hissed! "Look at my patrol do u see my sisters apprentice" she yowled! and pointed her tail at me. "Yes I do and it wasn't my doing I already got rid of Cutefur" he retorted! "Well u should have killed him" Froststar yowled back! "Well I am trying to change Froststar"he said! "U WILL NEVER CHANGE FEARSTAR" screeched my leader." Yes I will and what I do is no concern to U" he hissed ! "Um"..... I said, "yes" they both said. "I think we should end it here with the arguing before we get into a even worse battle". "Yes we should let's go Forestclan" Fearstar yowled.

Chapter 3

I just got my warrior name and I am now called Blizzardflame. I also got a mate a couple sunrises ago. His name is Boltstrike. Also I learnt that I have powers! I can summon things and talk to different animals and I become a black and white cat when I fight and I can change my pelt color anytime. I am in the nursery right now. "This is sooooo boring"I muttered to myself. The next day I had 2 kits. One Tom and one she-cat. The Tom was ginger and had amber eyes and on his back he had 3 stripes. His name is Strikekit. His sister Spiritkit is ginger but she has white star like dots all over her. She had strange eyes one was blue and the other was red. Then the dream happened and I got a prophecy that was "The time when the storm comes Blizzard has to use her powers to stop the storm but when Blizzard is gone Spirit is heartbroken and her brother picks the wrong path to follow now she has to convince Strike to go back to the real world." The next day my kits became apprentices.



"I was so excited about today because today is when I get my apprentice name and my new mentor" I yowled. I am training to be a warrior and plus I think I already am in love. I love Flashpaw he is only one moon older then me. I hope he likes me back though. Anyway Stripekit has been acting a little weird around Chancepaw and I think he has a crush on her! "Come on my little ones it is time" said my mom. "Yes it is about time" Stripekit hissed.

Chapter 4

I am now Spiritpaw and my mentor is my deputy Wildwind! My brother is soooo jealous and it is sooo funny. "Lets go Spiritpaw"! called Wildwind. "Coming" I said. "Ok my apprentice today we are learning how to take down a heavy appoint". "First u want to use their own weight against them like this". She did it and I copied her and got it right on my second try. "Lets go back to camp that is enough training for today". When i got to camp everyone was in their dens except the guards. I went to get fresh kill when Flashpaw came up to me. "Hi Flashpaw what do u need"? I asked. "Can u come with me"? He asked."Where to Flashpaw". "Can u just follow me" he said. "Yes sure i will follow u" I said. "So where are we going"I asked? "I said you'll see hold yourself together" He said. When we got there I could see a waterfall and he led me into it telling me not to slip. When we got inside the waterfall what I seen was just amazing. "Wow" I said, "I knew u would like it" he said . "Ok so why am I here?"i asked. "I brought u here because... Spiritpaw I love u a lot" he yowled. "I love u too Flashpaw" I said. "You have to promise something though Spiritpaw" he said . "Ok Flashpaw what is it?" I asked. "You have to keep this place a secret ok" he said. "I promise I won't tell anybody" I said ." This really is amazing Flashpaw" I said . "I know and Spiritpaw um.... when we are warriors want to be mates?" He asked. "Yes Flashpaw yes" I whispered. I licked him on the cheek and he blushed. When we got back to !camp everybody was around us asking all types of questions like "Where were u two". We explained little and we retreated in the apprentice den.


All of Starclan where here. Front of me and one of the cats walked up to me and everyone else vanished and it became dark and misty. They told me a ancient prophecy (up at the top)and then I woke up. It was dawn I gasped my mentor is going to kill me! "Spiritpaw get butt out here" Wildwind yowled. "Sorry Wildwind" I mumbled. "It's ok Spiritpaw but just make sure your up in time ok" my mentor said. "Ok I said.


A moon later

"Spiritfrost, Strikeclaw,Spiritfrost, Stikeclaw" the clan chanted. Flashstrike came up to me and we nuzzled each other. "Now we can be mates my love" he said. "Yes we can Flashstrike" I said. "Hey Flashstrike" I said, "what Spiritfrost" he asked. "Do you think my mom had to save us all, I mean Strikeclaw has gotten even worse he's not speaking to no one anymore and he has been getting scratches and no one knows where they come from what do u think is happening to him Flashstrike?"I asked "Do not worry Spiritfrost everything will be ok he said."I hope so" I said.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2014 ⏰

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