c o l d ║v

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c o l d ║v

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The day went by exactly the way winter does, fast and blurred. I'd spent nearly the entire day thinking about what I'd said to Oliver. I hadn't had a chance to hear his response as I'd run away directly after the words escaped me. He must think I'm mental.

 I was fine throughout all my classes, Math was a breeze, Biology was boring and then, it was time for Academic English. The class used to be a safe place, where I didn't have to worry about anything because I honestly didn't care what any of those people thought of me. But now, there was Oliver and what he thought of me had become my whole world. I hated to be one of those petty girls who fell in love after two days of meeting someone, but, I wouldn't call this love anyway.

 I took my sweet old time getting to Mr. Wades room, stopping at every poster on the wall and sipping from every drinking fountain. Sadly, for me, Mr. Wades room was right down the hall past the main office.

 The witchy--I say that for the children-- Vice-Principal stuck her long neck out the open door. Her lips curled around her perfect Colgate smile and she tossed her ugly blonde bob.

 "Astrid, shouldn't you be getting to class?" She said, slithering away like a snake. She held herself on the word class and made it sound like she had nasal issues.

 My eyes darted around the empty hallway and I nodded quickly, rushing down the hall. My feet couldn't keep up with my fear of getting caught; I didn't want to be banned from the ski-trip.

 On the wall right before Mr. Wades room was a poster for the annual Holiday Snowflake dance, which was next Monday. I wondered that if maybe after the ski-trip I'd have someone to go with, but that was probably just wishful thinking. I never usually went, too many people for my liking.

 I quickly forgot about the poster, it didn't matter anyway, and pushed into the room. Mr. Wades stopped mid-speech and looked to me. He was a nice teacher--the nicest--but the one thing he hated was tardy students.

 "I'm so sorry Mr. Wades, I was held up talking to the Vice-Principal." I said, which wasn't entirely a lie. I waited for him to nod.

 "Take your seat; we were just discussing the ski-trip. Come get a schedule after class." He said, and began talking about snow gear that would be provided and the three hour bus ride. Oh boy.

 I sat down in my usual spot and immediately noticed Oliver sitting on my left, looking incredibly distracted. His camera bobbed on his chest as he fidgeted with the sleeve of his shirt. I watched his fingers twitch as fast as a bug. I leaned over discreetly.

 "Are you okay?" I whispered. He looked at me, clearly surprised to see me, and his face went bright red. His hands shot up into his sleeves like a scared turtle going back into it's shell.

 "Uh yeah." He mumbled, looking down at his lap so his bangs fell in his face. Obviously he didn't want to talk so I decided to actually listen to Mr. Wades.

 "-- and that, everyone, is why you should never ski backwards." Mr. Wades said with a laugh " But on a more serious note, everyone have fun and remember to complete your poem. Must be edited and passed in on the bus ride home."

 I was excited to write the poem. There were so many possibilities available. I guess the excited part made sense, the whole reason I was in this class. I'm guessing we all were pretty excited.

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