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September 20, 1981

Prince is supposed to be coming to Minneapolis in a couple of hours. I'm at André's house, accompanied by him and Morris. Everyone was asleep except me. I wanted to see Prince the moment he stepped in the door. He's been on tour so when I come to Minnesota, I don't always see him, which sucks.

Hopefully, he can finish teaching me how to play Peanuts on the piano. It sounds easy until you go and try it yourself.

3:45 a.m.

I laid on my stomach, watching the clock that I laid in the hallway. Aunt B told me not to lay on the cold floor or I'll get a cold but if it means that I get to be the first face Prince sees when he walks in the door, then so be it.

I sighed as I watched the numbers slowly change. 3:45 turned to 3:50 which turned to 4:00, and soon, I had fallen asleep, waiting on my Prince.


5:15 a.m.

I just flew back to Minneapolis and the first place I was going was to Miss B's house. I knew everyone was probably sleep by now. I was supposed to be back by 8, but they had a delay.

I got to the house and I got the key from under the plant. First thing I see is my clock plugged in the wall, in the hallway, and Andréa knocked out sleep with her notebook and pen. I kneeled down and smiled.

She waited for me.

I unplugged the clock and took her things back to my room. I came back and quietly picked her up, taking her to my room. I laid her on my bed. She didn't make a sound. She was knocked out. I kissed her forehead and tucked her in.

Before I left out of the room, I put Josephine Baker on the record player. She loves waking up either Josephine Baker or Anita Baker. I think it's just her being a fatass because their last names are Baker.


9:32 a.m.

I woke to the smell of food and the sound of Anita Baker. That means Prince is home. I jumped out of bed and rushed to the kitchen. Aunt B was making pancakes and grits, while André made eggs and bacon.

I looked over by the dining room table and saw my favorite boy in the world.

"Princey!" I ran over to him and jumped on him

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"Princey!" I ran over to him and jumped on him. "Curly! Don't kill me now!" He laughed, catching me in his arms. "Curly, aren't you getting a bit too big to be jumping on me like you're 6?"

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