Chapter 7

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Eli hadn't slept this well in years. 
She wasn't sure if it was the gentle sound of rain outside or the feeling of another body next to her. At least, one that was living. She slowly cracked open her eyes to see sunlight softly streaming into the small reception room of the old hotel. She slowly sat up, her back cracking in several places. Looking to her side, she saw 10k, still sound asleep, snoring against her arm. She smiled to herself at just how peaceful he looked this way. She looked around the room, to the door they had entered through. The rain had eased off and was only a light sprinkle now.
"Probably a good time to start heading back..." she whispered to herself. But leaving would mean waking 10k, and she really didn't want to do that. But she didn't have much choice. The group would start looking for them soon if they hadn't started already. So, reluctantly, she shifted herself on the couch to face 10k. She gently grabbed his shoulder and shook it lightly, "10k... 10k... Wake up." At first, he didn't respond but eventually stirred in his place. He nuzzled his face into Eli's arm before slowly sitting up, rubbing his eyes.
"C'mon kid, we gotta go now."
He blinked a few times, looking out the broken door. "Uh... yeah, okay. Let's go," he then stood, grabbing his rifle and slinging it over his shoulder. Eli followed suit, picking up her own rifle and slinging it over her shoulder before grabbing their bags of supplies. The two jogged to the broken door, opened it and stepped outside onto the wet pavement. "Looks clear," 10k said, looking up and down the street. Eli nodded before beginning to make her way down the street, back toward the barn.

A while into their journey back, Eli spoke up, needing to break the silence for once, "So, did you sleep well?" 10k felt heat slowly rise to his cheeks at the subject, remembering he fell asleep on ELi's shoulder. He cleared his throat, "Um... good. You?" Eli couldn't resist the smile that spread across her face, "Really well. I haven't slept like that in a long time." 
10k felt a small smile creep onto his face as he watched her walk ahead. 
"You look so peaceful when you sleep, you know?" Eli turned her head to look at 10k, noticing the pink that dusted his cheeks. He swallowed hard before answering, "Do you watch people sleep often?" he chuckled quietly to himself. Eli giggled, "It's a little hard not to notice when they fall asleep on you" 10k's cheeks reddened even more.

It took a while, and the two got a bit wet from the slippery ground and the light shower that still fell from the sky, but Eli and 10k made it back to the red barn. The trudged up the slope to the big doors, when Warren and Vasquez opened them, arms crossed, eyebrows raised. 
"Where the hell have you two been?" Warren's voice was firm, but Eli could hear a hint of concern in it. "We were about to come looking for you, "Vasquez added. 
"We got caught in the downpour," Eli explained. "The rain eased off an hour ago!" Warren wasn't too happy with Eli's answer. 
"We got caught in the downpour, found shelter, but accidentally fell asleep..." 10k's voice trailed off as Warren raised her eyebrows at him. 
"You fell asleep? Again?! What if something were to happen to you?!" Eli stepped forward, "It's my fault, Warren. I said we should stop." Warren and Vasquez quickly glanced at each other, like they were speaking without saying a word. "But, we did find some things. You can have them for your journey to California..." she tossed the bag of meds and other assortments of medical supplies to Warren's feet. Warren's eyes flicked to the bag and then back up at Eli. Eli didn't give her time to respond before walking silently past her and into the barn. She stepped up to one of the wooden beams before climbing up onto the hayloft once again and curling up. 
Vasquez watched her with curiosity before turning back to face Warren and 10k , who was still standing in the doorway of the barn.
"Is that what happened?" Warren raised her brow at the raven-haired boy. 10k shrugged slightly, looking at the ground in embarrassment, "Sort of..."
"Sort of?" Vasquez leaned forward, hands on his hips. 10k hesitated, but eventually looked up, "We would have kept going through the rain, but I was frightened by the lighting. I refused to move. So we waited it out." And with that, he simply walked past the two, not daring to look either of them in the eye. 
Warren and Vasquez looked at each other again, both sighing heavily. They then closed and barricaded the barn doors before heading further into the barn. 
10k made his way over the Addy and Doc, who were sitting on top of a hay bale. "How'd it go?" Doc asked upon the sniper's arrival. 10k shrugged, clenching his teeth. "What took you so long?" Addy looked up from cleaning her Z-Whacker, awaiting the boy's response. He flicked his eyes up to the red-head for a moment, "The rain..." he gingerly pointed outside. Addy raised an eyebrow before slowly nodding with a smirk on her face, "Riiiiiight." She looked to Doc who met her eyes and winked. 10k rolled his eyes good-naturedly before turning around. He spotted Eli curled up on top of the hayloft. He contemplated speaking to her, but he noticed her eyes were closed and the gentle rise and fall of her chest. He decided against it, and simply walked to the beam beneath her, and sat down, placing his arms over his knees. He sighed to himself, leaning his head against the beam, listening as the rain began to fall heavier again.

~ Hey guys! Sorry that this part was up really late, I've been bogged down by exams at school the last couple of weeks. But I plan to smash out the next few chapters to make up for it!
Anyways, hope you're liking it so far :)
Thanks! ~

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