Chapter 1: The info isn't Lion

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After regrettably agreeing to let Steven keep a gigantic jungle cat as a pet, Pearl decided to do some research on the subject.

She had located a book at a pre-used bookstore in town. It was a bit further then she would have liked. She asked the other gems if they would come with her. Amethyst seemed uninterested in books and Garnet seemed completely unfazed by this development in their otherwise Lion-free lifestyle.
After returning back home, Pearl read the dusty book while sitting on the living room couch. She was hoping the extra knowledge would put her at ease.

It did not.

Among many of the facts carried in this human literature (titled: "Big Cats in the Wild"), were examples of carnage, slaughter, eating habits, territorial spats, and various ways a large animal could probably destroy the house...and Steven along with it. On the other hand, the book had nothing on lions being pink in color...or having "sonic roars". Pearl lowered the book briefly to gaze cautiously at the gigantic pink cat that was currently sleeping in the middle of the floor. Lion was stretched out to his full potential. He had purposely chosen a sunny spot of the house to bath in. Other than his ear twitching periodically and the sound of his sleeping breaths he didn't look terribly active or menacing. A sudden movement brought Pearl to a more alert state. Lion stretched in his sleep, baring his sharp claws before becoming inactive once more. Pearl shivered at the mere thought of those same claws ripping through the flesh of her family. She looked down at the book again.

"Lions can sleep up to 20 hours a day."

She supposed this was a good fact. If the creature was asleep, at least it wouldn't be violent. The front door suddenly banged open, causing Pearl to jump. The book fell to the floor.
"Garnet says we're going to the pet store!" yelled Steven.
Garnet who was standing directly behind the small human gave a nod of agreement. If they were going to keep this creature around, they would need supplies...LOTS of supplies. Garnet stared at the beast's large stature- knowing it would need just as much love.
"Garnet...I've been reading up on the subject. I don't believe we have thought this through. A lion is a wild creature and is not typically kept as a pet- especially not in the house." Pearl picked up a book and flipped to a chapter titled "Captivity- A Controversy". "Look, see? All of these humans who kept lions as pets, they all met the same demise!" she turned to a page that featured a picture of several female lions in a cage made out of chained fence.

Garnet stiffly replied: "Not all of them."

Garnet turned the book a few pages forward and pointed to a picture of a man and wild lion embracing in a hug after a long time away from each other.
"AWWWW! That's adorable!" Steven looked up at Garnet "Can I teach Lion to do that?"
"NO! ABSOLUTELY NOT!" Pearl interrupted. "It says here that lions can weigh several hundred pounds! You'll get crushed!"
"Steven will be fine." Garnet was tired of arguing. "...besides, we need to get an appointment. There is a doctor at the local pet store. We need to make sure Lion gets his vaccinations." Garnet glared at Pearl. "Unless you want Steven getting sick."
Pearl looked mortified and conflicted. She certainly didn't want anything to happen to Steven, especially if this THING was going to be following him anyway. Deep down she knew that even if Lion was not allowed to be kept, he would still find a way to locate Steven. The only thing she could think of that was worse than being mauled by a lion, was being mauled by a disease-carrying lion.
Amethyst suddenly appeared from her temple room, looking rather fatigued. "What's all the ruckus? I was taking a nap."
"We're going to the pet store!" Steven repeated himself.
Amethyst perked up immediately. "All right! Can I get a snake?!"
"NO!" Pearl wanted no part in having another carnivorous creature endangering Rose's son.
"How 'bout a rat?"
Amethyst gave Pearl a disgruntled look. "Then why are we even going?"
Garnet pointed at the sleeping lion.
"OHHH! Yeah. That makes a lot more sense." Amethyst agreed.

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