Chapter 5: The Mane Event

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Finally, the big day had arrived.

It was a Friday, but not just any Friday- the vet appointment Friday. Lion lay asleep on the floor. The three gems stared at him, not quite sure what to do.

"We could try to lift him again..." Pearl inquired.
"Yeah. That TOTALLY worked last time." Amethyst rebutted.
"Should we try to fuse?" Pearl looked at the creature, concerned.
"I don't think there's any need for that." Garnet answered.

Steven had gone out for the day at the request of Garnet. She did not want him present if things went south with this entire fiasco.
The red gem slowly shook Lion awake, trying to be as gentle as possible. Garnet figured that there was a slight chance the beast might listen to her now that they knew each other a bit better. "Hey, Lion? Time to wake up."
The animal stared at Garnet in his half-asleep state. He let out a mighty yawn which was paired with a slight roar. Lion looked up and gave his weird gurgle-purr at the sight of familiar faces. The animal rose and sat down. He gazed around at the party wondering what could have caused this meeting of folks.
Garnet spoke: "We need to take you to the store. I would appreciate it if you cooperated."
Lion tilted his head in confusion.
"Um...Garnet? Are you sure he can understand you?" Pearl inquired.
"No. But I did wake him up. Perhaps we can coax him to the doctor now."
"...and how do you propose we do that?"
Amethyst interrupted: "How about this?" She held up the ribbon toy that Steven had put in the cart at the pet store.
"That could work." Garnet grabbed the toy and swung it once. The cat gazed at it as it fell to the floor. He gave the red gem a look of sarcasm.
"You're doing it wrong! Like THIS!" Amethyst grabbed the toy, and began to fling it about in every direction possible. Lion's interest peaked! His eyes focused as he followed the ribbon, and soon started batting at it furiously.
"Good! Good! Let's get him out the door!" Pearl figured the plan was flawless.

As the gems walked toward the store, people followed the strange spectacle with shock. Some terrified folks ran at the sight of an uncaged wild animal.
Everything was going great, until the creature's excitement and strength got the best of him.
The ribbon suddenly broke free of its base. Lion had landed on top of it. His weight mixed with Amethyst's strength had caused the toy to disassemble. The creature chewed on it a bit longer before losing interest entirely. He gave a mighty grunt, and laid down in the middle of the street, exhausted and hot.
"Well, we got him half way there. Now what?" Pearl looked toward Garnet for support.
The red gem contemplated. Perhaps if she unfused Lion would be more willing to follow like last time? Although she really didn't enjoy unfusing even during the direst of circumstances.
"I know how to get his energy back!" Amethyst reached into her gem and pulled out a jar of something that resembled shredded plants.
"What is THAT?" asked Pearl.
"It's catnip!"
Garnet looked at the jar suspiciously. "Where did you get that Amethyst?"
"I...erm....sorda borrowed it? From the pet store?"
"You STOLE it?! Amethyst! We've been over this a hundred times! You can't just take stuff without paying for it!" Pearl was obviously dissatisfied.
"Aww. Come on Pearl! I was going to take it back! (eventually...)" She mumbled the last part under her breath.
"Well, I guess it's here NOW. I'll pay for it when we return to the store. What does this plant do exactly anyway?" Pearl inquired.
"Yes. I am equally curious." Garnet didn't have a lot of experience with Lions, but anything that could help the situation was welcome.

"'s kind of difficult to explain. It's easier just to show you..."

There have been many mistakes made in the history of mankind. The gems had seen most of them- yet all of the stupidity could be summed up with simplistic errors. Perhaps there had been a spat over land, or some sort of conflict in opinion that could have easily been fixed over a cup of tea. There had been misinformation and rumors among humans for many years that the gems rolled their eyes at- tomatoes being poisonous, water causing disease, the existence of witches- still all of these instances could not compare to the ignorance of giving a wild lion catnip.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2016 ⏰

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