02 • finding comfort

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Chapter 2

Finding comfort

I sat down in Topanga's along with my best friends, staring at the table that held our acceptance or rejection letter from our desired university.

We all had the same look on our faces. Worry. We're all afraid of rejection. We all had community college as a back up. But that's the thing, it's back up. It wouldn't be enough.

"Guys, we all worked so hard these past two years to go to our dream university. We'll all get in," Riley assured us and held my hand tightly knowing how anxious I am.

"On the count of three." Zay and I cautiously took our letters as the four others grabbed it without a look of concern on their face.

"One, two,"


I slowly ripped the mail and took out the letter.

Dear Maya Penelope Hart,

We are sorry to announce that you have not been selected--

I slammed the letter on the table and walked towards the counter to grab some tacos my mom bought before coming in for her shift.

"Baby girl, why are you so angry?" I hear my mom coming out from the kitchen and I grabbed her in a tight embrace looking for comfort.

"NYU letter," I mumbled into my mom's chest.

Riley and Farkle took the letter and started reading it as Lucas, Zay and Smackle stared at me with concern.

"Maya, did you even read the letter until the end?" Riley chuckled and handed me my death wish.

I restarted reading it,

We are sorry to announce that you have not been selected as a single Art major. We would gladly make a new proposition. Looking back at your High School records, we have noticed your passion for arts. We would love to propose a scholarship as a double major in Art and Drama.

I didn't even bother reading the rest because I couldn't keep in my happiness and excitement.

"I got the scholarship!"

"And a double major! I'm so proud of you, Maya." Riley hugged me and kissed my forehead.

"I got into Yale!" Farkle cheered.

"I got into Harvard, although it's so far away from you guys." Lucas said with a smile that faded as fast as the flash of a camera.

"Aw man, I'll miss you. Maya, looks like you're my new best friend!" Zay said and put his arm around me.

"Not so fast, ballerina boy. No one can replace Riley." I smiled at my best friend and approached her.

I noticed that she wasn't as smiley as she always was and asked her, "Why so glum, chum?"

"I got a scholarship in Psychology at Boston University."

"Hey, isn't that what you've always wanted?" I asked confused at her silence.

"I just," She sniffled, "don't think I am ready to leave you."

I took her hands in mine, stared into her eyes and assured her, "Riley, we'll make this work. Nothing can break us even when we're apart. Remember when we learnt about Belgium 1831? We managed to be our own person without depending too much on each other."

"You're right. I'm getting too emotional."

"That's what I love about you."

"Stop hogging my girlfriend, Pancake."

"You'll have her all to yourself in Boston, Huckleberry. Leave us alone."

Our friendly banter never stopped. I am so glad that things didn't get awkward after the non-triangle fiasco. In fact, it just brought us closer as friends.

We all discussed about how are we going to see each other and we figured than we all take turns each month to visit each other. It'll be a weekly thing, every Saturday and Sunday.

As time passed by, it got late and everyone had to leave. The two couples left Topanga's, leaving me alone waiting for my mom to get back home.

"Maya, don't wait up for me. We close up late tonight."

"I could walk her home."

I turned to Zay with a confused look and told him, "Oh you don't have to, your mom must be waiting for you."

"It'd be my pleasure to walk you home, Miss Hart." He reached out his hand like he did when we found out the Arts program were going to close.

"Okay, why not." I shrugged and tangled my arm in his.

The cold wind kissed my bare arms and it reminded me of how much of an idiot I am. Why didn't I bring a light jacket in the middle of September. I wrapped myself in my arms, hoping to get some body warmth.

Suddenly, I feel a warm fabric covering me. I looked at Zay and wondered why is he being so nice to me.

"It's alright, it looks like you need it more than I do." He had a long sleeve shirt on that covered his muscular ballerina arms. I never really noticed Zay's beauty until now. He never stopped dancing, and it did him real good. A couple years of ballet lessons really pays off.

"It must be hard."

"What is?" I asked, cuddling into his leather jacket.

"Not being with the person you love when you know the feeling is mutual."

We walked in silence and I didn't know how to answer. I know I'd breakdown if I start talking about him.

"Yeah, it is. But I'll be fine eventually."

Another moment of silence passed by and I changed topic.

"How are you and Vanessa?"

"Not good."

I took his hand as a sign of comfort, waiting for him to continue.

"She broke up with me. I know long distance relationships are hard, but I thought we could make it through."

"It's okay, Zay. There's plenty fish in the sea." I cursed at myself for using the infamous expression, I really didn't know what to say.

"That's the thing, I thought she was the one for me."

I rubbed my thumb over his hand and said, "Zay, don't lose hope. If you guys are really made for each other, the universe will lead you guys to each other again. I guess it just takes time."

He stopped walking and faced me. He stared into my eyes and took me into his arms.

For a second, I was taken aback. This was our first hug. I slowly wrapped my arms around him and leaned my head on his chest.

"Thank you."

"For what?"

"For understanding. And I should tell you the same thing, if you and Josh are meant to be together, you will end up together. Don't lose hope."

I smiled and realized that I what I said applied to my situation also.

"Well, we made it here safely." Zay pointed at my house and escorted me to the front door of the apartment building.

"Thank you ballerina boy."

"It's been my honor, Miss Hart."

I hugged him once more and whispered, "I'm happy to find comfort in you."

"Me too."

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