Into Nothing

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It was a Wednesday. The sky was bright, the air was crisp and fresh. I guess that's why we chose that day to go for a walk, but I really wish we hadn't. Atikis conservation park used to be one of my favourite places to walk. It was beautiful, quiet and peaceful. It made me feel calm. However as my family and I walked through the tall grass and ancient trees of the park, I couldn't help feeling that this walk wouldn't be like all the others.
When I wandered off away from my family, they didn't bat an eyelid. I had been coming to this place for 15 years, I knew my way around. I  could see my brothers backs getting smaller and smaller in the distance, but I kept on walking. My foot slipped, my breathing hitched and suddenly the air went black around me. I was falling. Like Alice in wonderland I kept rushing down, down until my body smacked against a cold, dirty floor. Every piece of me hurt. I could feel my sides bruising and my right eye swelling up. As I staggered to my feet and gazed around, I could still here my cries for help echoing through the tunnel above me. I took a step forward and fell. I got back up, slowly regaining my strength and began walking cautiously towards the huge gate that stood in front of me. Its hinges were rusted and its rails were strangled with vines, but it stood firm as I tried to push it open. All of a sudden, a message began to appear on the wall beside me. I turned to look at it and read it out loud slowly, "Welcome to The Maze. There are many ways to enter but only one way to get out... Find the end! Your minds and bodies are going to be tested to their limits, but you cannot lose hope, because hope is the light at the end of this tunnel, hope is the only thing that can end this eternity."
As I turned away from the wall feeling more creeped out than ever, the huge gates started to edge open. What kind of creep would create a place like this. At a loss and with no other options I crept silently into the maze.

Finding the end of eternity.Where stories live. Discover now