Chapters 36-44

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Ok so as you may know I was on Team Chaol from the very beginning of the series. I don't normally jump ship halfway through a series but I am now. ROWAELIN FOR LIFE! Considering Rowan didn't come into the picture until this book I think it's acceptable that I jumped ships. Last time I was wondering if someone could fall in love again after losing a mate, due to recent circumstances I'm inclined to think yes.

She yawned and Rowan rubbed his eyes, his other hand still in hers. But hi didn't let go. And when she awoke before dawn, warm and safe and rested, Rowan was still holding her hand, clasped to his chest.

Something molten rushed through her, pouring over every crack and fracture still left gaping open. Not to hurt or to mar - but to weld.

To forge.

Then there was also this.

Maybe it was just from spending so much time in her Fae body that she felt . . . territorial. Territorial and grumpy and mean. Last night, she had growled at a female in the kitchen who would not stop staring at him and had actually taken a step towards him as if to say hello.

I LOVE IT!! I love how their relationship has progressed. I must say that at first, it felt a little 180-ish. They went from hating each other to friends but honestly I'm not complaining. The thing that made me the happiest though is that she told him everything that has happened. EVERYTHING! Ok, to be fair it's not technically everything because she fell to sleep halfway through, but she plans on telling him everything at some point so it technically counts. Do you know how long I have been waiting for her to do this? I have wanted her to spill with Chaol, Nehemia heck I would've probably been ok with Dorian so long as he didn't say anything which I don't think he would've. I did really want it to be Aedion but Rowan works just fine, maybe even better. They are healing together and it makes my heart so, so very happy. Speaking of Aedion she finally talks about him, or I guess she more thought about him. She feels, like him, that she had failed him all those years ago. She found out that he was working in the king's army and hadn't wanted to think about what would've forced the fiercely loyal Terrasen to switch sides. Celaena also believes that he would hate her so much for what she'd done with her life. If only the other knew what the other felt. Both feel like they let the other down, both think the other will hate them because of what they do for the king. DO YOU KNOW HOW FRUSTRATED I AM?!?!?! I want to grab each of them and put them right in front of one another. At least my fears that she hates him for what he's done didn't come true. If they only had the chance to see each other and tell the other how they're feeling I bet they'd build an unbreakable friendship. This better happen Sarah! I want this to happen more than I want Rowaelin to be a thing, and that's saying something. If all else fails so long as Aedion and Aelin have reunited and formed the most badass king slaying duo they can possibly be I will be happy. It's all I need. Just this. Is it that much to ask for?

Ok quick thing, am I the only one who never know whether to call Celaena Aelin of Celaena? I typically call her Celaena if I'm talking about Dorian or Chaol, I call her Aelin when I talk about Aedion and both when I'm talking about Rowan. I tend to call her Celaena more since that's what she was introduced as. Do you guys have the same problem? Anyways let's go back to talking about Rowan and Celaena. The whole fire night section was fantastic. Celaena now has much more control over her power and so Rowan tells her to light the bonfires and keep them contained until he says to stop. As soon as she got that knot in her back I knew something was going to go wrong. And low and behold not a page later she starts to literally burn up. Rowan carried her back to the fortress and kept cooling her off in water re-freezing it as she melted it. Then he saw the scars on her back and disappeared when she told him how she'd gotten them. As soon as Rowan walked out the door I knew that he felt something for her. I knew that Rowaelin is going to be a thing eventually. He was so pissed at queen Maeve for not telling him what was going on and but decided to go back to Celaena instead of demanding answers because he thought Queen Maeve would assign someone else to train her. Thank god he turned around because if they were separated now I might just throw the book at the wall. Ok not really, I did that once to a book and broke the spine. Never again. Anyways, he came back and now they're sharing a room since hers is so pitiful. Ahhh I'm so excited to see what's going happen next, I seriously had a mini war with myself just to put down the book and write this review.

Onto Manon. When she beat up that bitch Iskra I was screaming yes! and punching the air in happiness. Ooh, that bitch deserved it, I've never been so thrilled to see a character beat to a pulp, well maybe when Celaena and Rowan fought but that's beside the point. Also that whole scene with the spiders, perfect. It was perfect. The way Abraxos was protecting her and keeping her safe was wonderful! I don't know why Abraxos refused to do the crossing but I hope they can sort that out soon. He has to be the most decked out wyvern of them all. Iron teeth, iron spikes, rare spider silk enforced wings, he's got the whole package.

Lastly, let's talk about the Chaol and Aedion chapters. We learned quite a bit more in these past few chapters. First of all, i was the wrong one of the origin points for the spell that wiped out magic. I thought one was the Ferian gap but I was a way off. If I'd only have consulted the map I would've realized that it is way higher up in the Frozen Wastes. Each point is and an equal distance away from the other and covers more of the continent. Regardless somethings up with the Ferian Gap and I want to know what it is. More importantly though is the information that Murtaugh shared. Remember in COM or TOG when we heard that the king was most likely manufacturing those evil previously-human creatures like the ones from the library? Well, now we know where he's doing it. Skull's bay in the Dead Man's Islands. And what's more, apparently the king sent a band of them to go and attack Wendlyn since Celaena is thought to be there killing the royals. While the Kingdom was in turmoil over the death of the royals the previously-human creatures would go in and slaughter everyone, ensuring Wendlyn wouldn't ever become a problem. That sick, evil, twisted son of a bitch. What if that is what's killing those people Celaena and Rowan went to investigate? How is this whole thing with the creatures going to unfold? Do the creatures have any magical abilities because if so then the whole world is so screwed.

This review was kinda all over the place and didn't always make sense but I'm writing this as quickly as I possibly can. It already took enough willpower to put down the book, i only had so much patience to work with while writing this. I start school tomorrow so I don't know how consistant my updates will be but I'll try my best. Thanks for reading!

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