Tip # 6

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Start your project. 

This is the most crucial and important part, and it can be very hard. Many of us stare blankly at the computer screen, with no words to write. Some call it “writers block.” To help, here are some basic writing exercises that can help jog your creative juices and provide a material for your project:

Go somewhere busy, preferably a place with lots of people. Imagine that your vision of the scene is a video camera, recording everything. Take out your notebook and write down exactly what is happening. Include all the senses, sight, smell, hearing, taste, and touch. Take a voice recorder, and spy on a conversation. After you've recorded for an adequate amount of time, transcribe the conversation on paper.

Play with the words, delete things, change things, add things. Create a new setting, or a new situation.Create a character. What do they want? Fear? What is their secret? Who are they related to, and where do they live? What’s their last name…if they even have one?

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