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I woke up to several voices whispering around me. I let out a painful moan as I tried to sit up only to fail. My body is too sore to move or to shift back for that matter.

"He's awake."An excited voice said.

I turn my head towards the direction of the voice to only yelp in surprised to see a pair of eyes behind glasses inches away from my face.

"Oops sorry sorry didn't mean to scare you there."They laughed.

"W-where am I?"I asked.

All I could remember was running far away from Dox and his attackers and then collapsing out of exhaustion.

"You're in the Wings Of Freedom territory." Another voice said.

A girl with long raven black hair stood not to far from us. She gave off this alpha aura that made me cower farther on the floor.

"Mind telling us your name?"Glasses asked.

"E-ren. Eren Yeager."I replied.

The raven haired girl stepped foward before kneeling to my level."Care to explain why an omega was roaming the woods as an rogue?"

I turn away from het gaze and explained my situation."My pack was attacked by rogues and my alpha was taken down so I ran away."

She nodded a bit satisfied with my answer."Come we must explain this to the alpha."

"No he needs to stay here and rest. He is in no condition to stand or walk for that matter."Glasses said.

I wanted to stand I really did but their words rang with truth. I couldn't stand. Every muscel in my body screamed in pain everytime force was put in my legs.

"We'll talk to the alpha and explain for you. I'll even send someone down here to give you some food okay?"Glasses smiled widely.

The two left leaving alone in yet another cell. Unlike the one in the Military pack,this one was warmer and for some reason I felt a bit safer. But I knew that I will gave to face the alpha and he will decided what to do with me. Either to let me rot in the cell or ne killed. Rogues are to be killed on the spot if the alpga demands it. As much I hate cell cages, I prefered the former.

An hour later a small blond with crystal sky blue eyes entered my cell. In his hands was a tray of mouthwatering deers meat. He sets it in front of me so I could tear into it immediately. Once I finished it. I thanked him.

"Anything for a fellow omega."His words caught me off gaurd.

I never met another omega.I was isolated from the world because of my former alpha and thought most omega's were treated the same way. Yet this omega was roaming freely with no hints of a scar or raw wrists. I was a bit envious of him.

"My names Armin."He said with a kind smile.

"Eren."I replied with my own wolfish one.

It was a bit silent after that. Armin continued to stare at me with a knowing gaze. I shifted a bit uncomfortably not very used to another staring at me as long as he had.

"How long?"He suddenly asked.

"Huh?"I replied dumbly.

"How long has it been since you-"

Armin was then cut off by a man calling for him from up top the stairs. He sends me an apologetic look before leaving me a bit confused on what he was about to ask.



"An rogue attack huh?"Hanji nodded confirming the information she had given me.

The Military pack wasn't the very nicest packs out there. Their Alpha, Nile Dox, liked to be in control and only cared for himself. There had been rumors that he had a omega in his grasp but none of it was confirmed until now. For some reason my inner wolf growled at the thought of the omega in someone else's hands.

"So what are you going to do about him Levi?"Erwin asked from beside me behind my desk.

"Since he isn't much a threat I will welcome him to the pack."I replied."But I need someone to look after him."

Erwin volunteered his mate Armin,who was also an omega,to take care of him. He believed it would be for the best if someone like him to trust being around him. With that I decided to do take go down and welcome our new omega.

By the time we got to the basement Armin was already there. Erwin called his mate up so that we could have some privacy. Erwin was greeted with an embrace from his mate which made me a bit jealous but happy for my friend. I've haven't found my mate yet unlike a few of my comrades. There were possibilities why I haven't found them. One;they were far away. Two;they haven't been born yet. Three;they aren't the mating age yet. And finally;they're dead. I accept all of the other three possibilities but the last one.

In the cell laid the small omega still in his wolf form. He seemed to have gone back to sleep. Hanji did say he needed his rest but I'll give it to hin after I have a quick word with him.

"Oi brat wake up."I said from the other side of the cell.

The omega picks up his head and shakes the sleep away. He he then turns to face me and instantly my wolf howled out.

"Mate. Mine!"

Omega(Ereri)Where stories live. Discover now