Crew Log One: Awakening

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I'm dreaming, I've been dreaming for what seems like forever. I've been asleep for two years aboard the Stellaris Space Cruiser, searching for intelligent life at the edge of our solar system. The hibernation pod door lifts open slowly and lets out a puff of cold air, my eyes shoot open as the oxygen supply stops. I rip off the mask and throw it aside. My stomach feels empty, like I haven't eaten for well...two years. Launching my feet over the side of the pod, I begin puking up all the food that's been supplied by a feeding tube that I still haven't taken out. As the vomit expels continuously, I grab the tube will both hands and pull, it feels as if it's stuck inside my lower intestine. With a few more rigorous tugs, it slides out. My body is so weak, but I try to stand and fail miserably. I fall beside the pile of bile and that makes me puke just a little bit more. I manage to pull my frozen body off the floor and make my way to the tall locker with my crew number on it; 9. I scan my thumbprint and the door flies open. The Stellaris Crew uniform hangs there on a hook, I grab it along with a t-shirt. The uniform is a bit tight on my weak legs, but I guess I can fight through it. Something isn't right, I was the last to awaken from my slumber, a person from the crew should've been here to ease me back into life. I run my fingers across the name sewn into the clothing; Hannah P. Watson. I never thought I'd be on a mission in space to find life beyond Earth, stuff like this just doesn't happen.

As I make my way to the door, I notice a badge lying on the floor next to the first pod. It's Monty, he was the first to wake up. A bloody fingerprint is caked on the corner of the card, what the hell happened here?
The door automatically slides open as I get close to it, entering the command deck, there's no sign of anyone. It's still dark, like no one has even been in this area. I'm starting to get a weird feeling, there is literally no one here. I ease my way over to the cameras and look, hoping to find something or someone...and I do. The floor is covered in blood and a body is torn in half. It's Monty. I jump back at the sight and tumble over a chair. Oh my god, what's going on?

"Stellaris." I say. "Scan crew."

"Power to main computer has been shut down, please restore power. Thank you."

The fucking main computer is offline. It's in the lower deck and I'm not too comfortable going down there. It has to be done though, who else is gonna do it? Everyone might be dead. I grab the fire ax attached to the wall and head to the elevator. My grip is so tight, it feels like my fingers could rip off at any moment. My heart pounds as I press the button to head down, what killed him? Did the crew members do that? So many things are running through my head. The lift comes to a halt and the doors slide open with a ding. My grip gets tight around the weapon again and I step out into the hall. The light is dim down here, which makes it hard to see. I walk slowly, not making a sound, I don't whatever is in the ship to drop down on my head and rip it off. I stop at the corner and peek my head around, there's nothing waiting to cut me in half. I decide to run to the computer instead of walking, it's taking me too long to get there. The door slides open and I instantly override it to lock when it closes, hopefully that'll keep it out. The lever on the computer tower is switched off, someone should've turned it on when they awoke...guess that didn't happen. I press a few buttons and push it upward, nothing happens. I try it again and still nothing happens. A third time and it roars to life. I take a sigh of relief and head to the door but something stops me, a sound in the vents above my head. Frantically, I unlock the door and sprint to the elevator, pressing the buttons a hundred times, trying to get it to go. Finally, I take off towards the command deck. I enter the area and check the cameras again. Monty's body has been moved...that's not possible.

"Stellaris. Scan crew."

"Scanning. There is one crew member and one unidentified lifeform."

"Pull up cam feed, locate lifeform." I'm scared to see what this thing is. I turn to the big screen in front of a long table for crew meetings. There it is, a tall skinny black monster like alien maybe.

"Stellaris, locate lifeform."

"Top deck. Heading towards Command Deck."

Oh fuck. I grab the ax and jump into a nearby locker. I can see a tiny bit out of the vents but I'm not sure I wanna see anything. I hear the door slide open and my chest begins to tighten. Oh god, it's scarier in person. It sniffs around, looking for something to kill. The alien's jaw opens wide and it screams, my ears feel like they're gonna bleed. It's head turns towards the locker I'm hiding in. It slowly crawls my way and opens up it's razor sharp claws. His hand punctures through the locker door and rips it off. I stand there frozen until it grabs me up and tosses me across the room. I smack against the wall and hit the floor, I dropped the weapon, how smart of me. I get to my feet and run for the door.

"Stellaris!" I scream. "Lock Command Deck One!"

The door begins to slide shut, but I'm determined to make it. I roll underneath it and the monster grabs my leg and starts pulling me back inside. I kick at it's arm, but it doesn't let go. It holds on until the door slides down on it's hand, slicing it off. The alien screams in pain and jumps backwards then slams itself into the door. I can see it through the tiny glass window, white blood dripping from where it's hand should be. We're looking at each other, his face focused on mine. This is war.

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