Alicey pov bonus chapter!!! :)

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Ella's so sweet and pretty, but too sensitive and fragile. I have a feeling cheeky is up to something and I wanna know NOW!!!!!! But...... That's gonna have to wait! Me and Ella attend high school- we are seniors- she will be 16 and I'm not growing up anytime soon *sighs
Oh well. I planned every step so far but I wanna go over everything again.

End of chapter yeah I know short........but there will be another chapter for the will be so much fun for her!!!!!....,...don't you wish you had that kinda party????? Hahahaha confused?????? Yep I got ya!!!!  Confused more????? I will explain my little minions........ I didn't even say what the party was and I asked you if you want a party like that!!! Get what I did eh???? *wink *wink.........anyway this will be..........I think......the............last..............two............bonus...........chapters..............or.............,...,,....

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