Goku's Harsh Training! Emotional Rage.~~~ The Battle Begins. Frezia vs Jonathan!

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"Ka. Me. Ha. Me." I shouted as I charged my kamehameha wave. I was training with Goku. He was a super sayian 2. I wasn't a super sayian but I've learned kioken from him. I was using Kioken times 3. "Haaaaa!" I roared as I blasted my wave. Goku took it head on. I rushed through the smoke and held out my fist. "Super Dragon Flight!" My fist formed a white blue shell trailed with blue lightning. My fist collided with his face and I heard the grunt that came from Goku. He rose up in the air then I charged a very familiar move. "Galick Gun!" The purple beam shot out towards Goku and he couldn't dodge in time. He fell to the ground. I hovered below Goku. "Goku?" His hair reverted back to dark black. I caught him before he hit the ground. "Huh, I guess that means super sayian 3 next." I flew back to the rooms and set Goku down on his bed. I walked back to the kitchen and heard a groan from his room. "Hey you only beat me once. " I saw him walk into the kitchen. "Goku, did you hear me?" I saw him walk outside. I followed him. He finally spoke. "You will fight me at super sayian three now. I groaned. "Goku we've been at this for 5 years now. Take some time off." He stopped and turned towards me. I froze. I think I hit a nerve. He walked towards me where there was only a few inches of space in between us. He backed me up to the wall. There was this dark malicious glare in his eyes that scared me. "Jonathan, I don't care if I kill you. We can resurrect you. I can care less if you are starving, sick or anything. I will make you a super sayian." With that he grabbed my arm and threw me through the chamber. I stopped myself. What is up with him. I heard whispering in my ears. "Sayian's Prince." "Spawn of Prince Vegeta." "Shall you return?" The whispers turned into screaming and I clutched my head in pain. Goku flew up to me and stopped. " Robert, quit faking and fight me!" I clenched my teeth through the pain. "I. Am. Not. FAKING!" I kept holding my head in pain when something inside me snapped. I roared with a thunderous roar. Goku leaped back and he was afraid. "Robert? Are you okay?" I couldn't hear him. My strength increased by 100. My hair spiked up sharply and my eyes were a demonic red color. I was in a trance like state where I couldn't control what I did. "Kakarot, shut up." Goku froze. "Who are you and what have you done to Robert? " I smirked. "I am Jonathan's anger. The anger that you put him through." I charged at Goku and punched his forehead and made him fly backwards. He fell to the ground unconscious. "The angel says my time is up. Word of advice: Do. Not. Make. Jonathan. Angry." With that my hearing returned and I powered down. "Ughh. Goku stop it. Goku?" I saw him on the ground. He had a burn mark on his forehead. Oh no! I rushed to his body and felt for a pulse. There! It was strong. I phewed. They my head was racked with pain again and I saw two shapes form in front of me. They both looked like me. One was a little bit eviler. He had a black gi and dark red eyes. The other me had a white gi and yellow eyes. "Hello Jonathan." The angel version of me said. "I didn't expect to be having this conservation early but it is dire." The devil me snorted. "Yeah like you ever going to come out." "Hey, shush, this is important." I watched as my doppelgangers bickered. "HEY! TIMEOUT!" I shouted. That got both their attentions. "You were saying." "Oh yes! Things are changing but the biggest one is you're developing counter parts." I looked at Goku. "Is that what attacked him?" The angel nodded. "Whenever you feel an emotion strongly, It manifests into a version of you. We are the most basic ones." I shook my head. The devil summed it up. "In other words, your emotions are alive and you can use them in a physical form." I nodded. They started fading. "We must go. If you need us, shout," Ego!" and we'll come." With that they vanished and Goku slowly got up. "Ughh, Robert?" I yelped. "Goku! You're up." I was nervous. He had seen a emotion come to life." Are you okay?" He smiled. "Yeah, good job turning super sayian. I'm proud of you." I was confused. I turned super sayian while in my anger form? "Goku, I didn't transform. That was an emotional counterpart. Anger." He stopped suddenly and slowly turned around. "Then we are going to train untill you get super sayian on this form." I groaned. Not again. I got into position to fight but then suddenly I felt drained immediately. I couldn't feel any of my limbs. My eyesight was darkening. "Goku, I don't feel so good." Then I fell to the ground. The last thing I saw was Goku's angry face yelling at me to get up. I mumbled" I'm not faking this."

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